Keep a low fat diet and you keep your heart healthy
- By:groshan fabiola
Scientists have made a lot of studies to see how much fat intake a person is allowed to have and still be healthy. Some said that 30% of the daily calories could be represented by fat; others said that only 15% do not endanger our heart system, but people still do not know exactly how much fat are they allowed to eat.
The American Heart Association could not say exactly how much fat is good for us and also did not recommend a very low fat diet declaring that this could only increase the levels of triglycerides and lower the level of HDL while the 'bad' cholesterol LDL would not be significantly lowered.
This does not mean that a low fat diet is not good for us but nutritionists prefer to add to this diet fruits and vegetables to have a maximum effect upon the bad level of cholesterol.
When keeping a low fat diet people should consider eliminating the salt and sugar from it too and should try instead to bring more minerals and nutrients to the body.
This low fat diet is not suitable for everyone and children and elders should talk to a physician before adopting the diet. Those who suffer of chronic disease and the pregnant women should also consider a previous discussion with the nutritionist to see if this diet is suitable for them or not.
Nowadays, the American Heart Association recommends a diet that brings less than 30% of total calories in fat and less than 300 milligrams of cholesterol daily. People should also keep a count of the salt and sugar intake, being allowed to consume about 2,400 milligrams of salt a day.
In order to keep you heart healthy you should follow some recommended steps in you diet. Try to avoid saturated fat foods which increase the level of cholesterol in blood and replace them with monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats like olive and rapeseed oil, nuts and oily fish, corn and soy oil.
Keep an active lifestyle, exercise 30 minutes daily and keep your weight under control. Eat more fruits and vegetables, wholegrain cereals and pasta then cookies, sweets and burgers.
Try to give up smoking as it can give you cancer and emphysema and heart diseases. This measure must be taken especially by those who have already had a heart attack and other heart diseases. Avoid stress as much as you can and go for periodically checkups at the doctor.About the author:
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