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Keep the level of cholesterol low by eating fatty fish

By:groshan fabiola

Not many people know that the best fish for our health is the fatty fish as it contains omega-3 fatty acids which are not dangerous for our organism. There are only a few fish known as fatty fish: mackerel, salmon, sardines, trout, and tuna. Besides the fact that they are good for our health they are also tastier than other fish.

The LDL and the triglycerides are considered to be unhealthy for us and these omega3 acids, by an unknown mechanism are lowering the level of triglycerides in blood, are stopping the plaques from the arteries from developing and are reducing any other inflammation in the body.

In 1997, many study results have been published proving the importance of the omega 3 acids in our body. All the studies concluded that taken daily, the omega 3 acids from fish oil can lower the level of triglycerides in the blood by 25%-30%.

In 2004 FDA considered the evidences that studies presented and approved with the fact that the omega 3 acids are good for the health. FDA also allowed producers of food which contains omega 3 acids to advertise that their products are lowering the level of triglycerides in blood and might protect the heart against some risk factors.

The American Dietetic Association recommended to the population to eat mackerel, sardines, trout, and tuna and especially salmon as this last category of fish brings by eating four ounces of it at least 83% of the omega-3s you need daily. Other fish like halibut offers 25% of the daily needed omega-3s and cod brings about 15% of the needed omega 3 acids.

Picking the right fish to eat is important but cooking it right is also essential for our health. Specialists recommend that we broil, grill, or steam the selected fish as this will count at the level of cholesterol in our blood.

If you prefer quick meals try a tuna sandwich along with low fat mayonnaise and some pickles, but try to use whole grain brain when preparing the sandwich.

The American Dietetic Association suggests that we eat approximately 4-ounce servings of fish a week. From the many types of fish even the most pretentious person can find some fish which suites his taste. In case fish is hard to get there are other sources of omega 3 acids like: walnuts, canola oil, flaxseed, and omega-3 enriched eggs. Also, pay attention not to eat more than recommended because you could gain a lot of weight from this kind of fish. There are some cases in which salmon or tune are not highly recommended as they contain PCBs toxins respectively mercury and small children and pregnant women should talk to a nutritionist before eating them.

About the author:
If you want to find great information about many low cholesterol diet subjects like low cholesterol food, low cholesterol food or many more please visit us at http://www.cholesterol-info-guide.com/