Learn more about cholesterol

By:groshan fabiola

Cholesterol is a fat produced by the liver and is very important in the proper functioning of the organism as it contributes to cell forming, protecting nerves and creating hormones. If one person has a high level of cholesterol in the blood it is exposed to heart problems and strokes. Mostly the people aged over 40 are at risk of developing high levels of cholesterol in the blood, and especially men are exposed to this risk.

The cardiovascular system is affected by cholesterol due to the fact that the arteries get blocked by the accumulation of cholesterol. The cholesterol ends up forming a plaque which will obstruct the arteries and block the blood flow. This means that the heart is at risk of not being irrigated any more and so the heart attack produces.

Cholesterol does not travel by its own inside the blood. He is attached to different proteins forming a complex named lipoprotein and this is why doctors say that there are more types of cholesterol. There are: low density (LDL), high density (HDL) and very low density (VLDL) lipoproteins and they are classified depending of the level of proteins they contain.

The low density lipoproteins contain a lot of fat and a small amount of proteins. By this form is transported most of the cholesterol in the body and deposited in the arteries. This means that the low density lipoproteins are bad for the organism as they increase they risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The high density lipoproteins contain a lot of proteins and a small amount of fat. In this form is transported only a small amount of cholesterol. The HDL is considered to be good for the organism and to protect it against the cardiovascular affections. If the level of HDL in the blood is reduced, then the risk of heart affections is increased. Mostly women have an increased level of HDL and that is why they are more protected than men against stroke and heart attack.

Another factor that must be kept in mind when analyzing a blood test sheet is the total level of cholesterol. If this level in high this is not good news. The ideal thing is to have a high level of HDL and a low level of LDL.

The VLDL is represented by triglycerides. They are brought to the organism from foods and are also considered to be a type of fat. They are considered to be energy reservoirs as they are stocked into fat cells as soon as they get into the body. If the level of triglycerides in the blood is increased along with the level of LDL then problems might appear concerning the heart especially in the patients who also have diabetes.

High levels of cholesterol might appear in those who are inactive, who are overweight, and who have a family history of such problem, those who are over 40 and are men and who eat a lot of fatty foods and drink alcohol more than recommended.

Those who do not treat diabetes, who have problems with the thyroid gland, and have other kidney or liver affection, might have an increased level of cholesterol in the blood also.

When checking the blood tests results the doctor knows that the ideal level of cholesterol in under 5mmol/l and that the level of low density lipoproteins is best to be less than 3mmol/l. Before the blood test you might be asked not to eat for at least 12 hours in order not to influence the blood test results if eating.

There are home testing kits of measuring the cholesterol but they might give false results. It is best to check the level of the cholesterol at the hospital because the doctor will correlate the results with the blood pressure, age and habits, like smoking or drinking alcohol. A high level of cholesterol does not give any symptoms and that is why it is best to take a check up periodically.

About the author:
For greater resources on cholesterol please review http://www.cholesterol-info-guide.com/low-cholesterol-food.htm or http://www.cholesterol-info-guide.com/high-cholesterol.htm