Lifestyle changes in acid reflux cases

By:groshan fabiola

Two major methods are known when it comes to acid reflux treatment. Lifestyle changes and medication are then main treatments for acid reflux patients.

Changes in your lifestyle

One of the two methods used in treating an acid reflux case is the modifications that one has do make in his life. When having acid reflux, the changes will have to be permanent, because one you have had acid reflux, this condition will not go away. So treatment in acid reflux cases actually means treating the symptoms and preventing or treading the damage done by acid reflux. The first modification that you have to do when suffering from acid reflux is not to eat anything three hours before you go to bed. This change is very useful because it lets your stomach empty and the levels of acid decrease. Furthermore, if you suffer form acid reflux you should start to eat lighter meals more than four times a day. This method will also help reduce the acidity of your stomach. There are also foods and drinks that you should cut out from your eating/ drinking list if you want to treat acid reflux. Fatty or spicy foods, tomatoes, citrus fruits and mints are some of the main foods you should not eat when having acid reflux. Caffeine, carbonated drinks and alcohol must also be cut off the list. They can irritate your esophagus more, especially when suffering from acid reflux.

Other changes in your lifestyle must also be made when you are an acid reflux patient. When you are lying, your stomach contents have the tendency to come up. Therefor, elevate your bed almost six inches high and also try to stand up straight, thus reducing the pressure on your stomach.

If your baby is the one that is suffering from acid reflux, the changes in his/ her life must be done as well. Although, these changes may appear very simple to you, they will do a world of good. Thy to hold your baby in the upright position almost 30 minutes before feeding him/ her. If spitting is one of the symptoms of acid reflux that your baby has, then feeding him/ her less more frequently will help manage this acid reflux sign. Many doctors will also advice you to thicken the baby' s formula if he/ she has acid reflux. Rice or some other formulas found in the drug stores are indicated. This will actually decrease your baby' s amount of vomit, but this will not stop acid reflux. You should also change the position of the bed if your child is suffering from acid reflux. The head of your baby' s bed should be elevated.

About the author: is one of the best acid reflux information sites on the net. Visit it if you are looking for great information on natural cures for acid reflux, acid reflux diet, acid reflux treatment and many more.