Links between the thyroid malfunction and obesity
- By:groshan fabiola
The thyroid dysfunctions as well as the obesity cases have the tendency to multiply very rapidly. Doctors have discovered a connection between the two conditions, and have also explained that weight loss intent might be blocked by thyroid problems.
The thyroid gland is the body’s most important control organ; it keeps the energetic metabolism as well as the weight under control. But outer influences like diet, lifestyle and stress have their own role in the glandular function interfering with hormone secretion and maintaining the body in regular limits.
Considering by our daily lifestyles with stress, pollution, industrial wastes, it shouldn’t be a surprise to know 20% of the women and 10% of men have thyroid problems. Some of the thyroid suffering doesn’t even know they have such dysfunctions.
According to new studies in the field, scientists have discovered an important role of air pollution, PCB’s and petrochemical wastes in the malfunctions of the gland. Also fluoride, bromide and chlorine are proved to slow down the function of the thyroid.
All major problems of the gland directly affect the metabolism due to the connections between the two entities. The thyroid gland is known to be the primer controller of the body’s weight and of the energetic metabolism. That is why all toxins produce the elimination of the thyroid hormones from the organism leading to a decrease of the available hormone level. The capacity of burning fat slows down in case of thyroid affections.
Scientists try to find out how the thyroid harmful toxins influence the obesity epidemic. Persons with overweight problems must know they cannot all put the blame upon thyroid dysfunctions. But hypothyroidism could be a cause and must be taken into consideration.
A series of commonly encountered but frequent unknown factors leading to thyroid malfunction are:
1. Food allergies or intolerance to gluten.
2. Selenium-, Zinc, fatty acids- deficiencies
3. The lack of thyroxin or Iodine
Very often, doctors misdiagnose and mistreat thyroid dysfunctions. The general treatment based on Sinthroid doesn’t take into consideration the personal and medical history of every patient in particular. The curing physician must play an active role in the treatment helping you to overcome the disease.
There are a few important symptoms of a slow functioning thyroid: dry skin and hair, fatigue, depression, sluggishness, muscle cramps, constipation, water retention, hair loss, low sexual appetite and menstrual problems.
These symptoms are however vague and general and the disease can sometimes be avoided because of insufficient testing. If you show such signs making you suspect a slow thyroid, see a doctor to start a treatment as soon as possible.
The major steps in recuperation are:
1. Eliminate thyroid toxic food and allergens
2. Exercise more and take saunas
3. Consume only food that supports your thyroid function
4. Eat more vitamin A and D, more zinc and selenium
5. Take medications combining inactive T4 and active T3 hormones.
Do not forget the major role thyroid plays in your body and respect the signs of a thyroid gland dysfunction.About the author:
For more information about thyroid cancer or about thyroid symptoms please visit this website