Lupus- a medical condition
- By:groshan fabiola
Lupus is not a fairly common disease, but it is a serious one. When your immune system strikes against you, that is when you develop lupus. That means that your immune system mistaken the cells of your body with the enemy. Instead of fighting against the invaders that come from outside, your body turns against your own cells, thus you develop lupus. Your autoantibodies start to atack different cells all over your body. This is lupus. The attack causes inflammation and damage in your tissues, in many parts of your body like skin, joints, heart, lungs and even your nervous system. This is how the medical condition called lupus attacks. These immune proteins can also form some abnormal molecules that can cause additional inflammation, which is another lupus problem.
There is not known with certainty the main cause of lupus, although many scientists have worked hard to figure out lupus. They have some factors that they believe play a part in the development of this disease, lupus, but nothing is certain. The investigation about lupus still continues to determine what actually causes this disease, lupus. Another interesting thing about lupus is that more then ninety of all lupus patients are women. Furthermore, all the women that suffer from lupus are at a childbearing age, so scientists also believe that hormones play a big part in the development of lupus. Genetics is also another factor that doctors belive that can affect the development of lupus. Many lupus patients have a history of lupus in their families, so this may be another reason why you develop lupus. Studies have also shown that some parts of the world are more exposed to lupus than others. For example, Africa, China and the west part of India are some of the countries where lupus is more common than in other
parts of this world.
Lupus is not a very common disease. There is a small number of people that are affected by lupus. There are many symptoms for lupus, depending on what parts of your body are affected by lupus. A mild fever is the only sign of lupus that affects your whole body. However, there are lupus patients that can develop very severe complications, which can even lead to death. The lupus symptoms come and go. You can suffer from flare- ups or remission periods when you have lupus. Remission is when the lupus signs are not so obvious, and the flare is when lupus signs are very bad.About the author:
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