Lupus patients and the depressive illness
- By:groshan fabiola
Depression often appears in lupus patients. It may come because of the lupus, because of some medications that are used to treat lupus, and it is also possible that depression to appear due to other factors unrelated to lupus.It is known that everyone can experience a depression from time to time, due to the problems and difficulties that appear, but a clinical depressive illness is something more disabling, unpleasant and lasts for a long period.
A lot of physical and psychological symptoms can appear, due to the clinical depressive illness. We can mention spells of crying that appear often without provocation, sadness and gloom, irritability, feelings of guilt or remorse, inability to concentrate, diminished memory and recall, insomnia or sleeping too much, indecisiveness, fatigue, and there we can mention some physical symptoms too: palpitations, headache, indigestion, constipation, diminished sexual interest and/or performance and others.
If a person has one or two of the symptoms mentioned before, they last for weeks affecting the every-day life, and the person also has a depressed mood and disturbances in sleep and appetite, he (or she) can be considered to be clinically depressed.The depth and degree of depression can be indicated by seven symptoms. These are: sense of failure, loss of social interest, suicidal thoughts, dissatisfaction, sense of punishment, indecision and crying.It was seen that the most common psychological signs of clinical depression that appear are helplessness and hopelessness.
Studies revealed that clinical depression more often appears in people having a chronic medical illness than in general population. It is estimated that 15% (60% after other scientists) of the people with a chronic illness suffer from clinical depression. Depressive illness shows symptoms similar to other diseases, that is why, it often goes unrecognized if a person has other diseases too.It also happens that even if a person hasn't got chronic medical conditions, the depressive illness is recognized and treated only in later stages, when it becomes unbearable to the patient. It was found that many patients refuse to admit that they are in a depressive state, and they try to hide the fact that they feel unhappy or demoralized. If the physician knows the patient well, is familiar with the patient's lifestyle, mood and personality, he will recognize more easily the changes that are associated with depressive illness. Also, it is more likely that if the patient is familiar with the physician, he will discuss easily about what he experiences.
In what concerns lupus, factors that contribute to the apparition of depression are the stresses and strains, and also coping with the chronic illness and medical condition.It must be taken in consideration also the fact that a person having lupus or other chronic illness must do a lot of sacrifices and life adjustments.Also, depression may be induced by some medications used to treat lupus, such as steroids; lupus involvement of certain organs can lead to depression too.There can be some unknown or unrecognized factors that can induce depression as well.
An effective treatment means that the diagnosis is put in early stages and the therapy starts immediately after that. Usually, depressive illness in lupus patients doesn't last more than a few months, and it disappears on its own. It was seen that there are a lot of lupus patients that are able to tolerate without complain major symptoms of depressive illness.Anti-depressant medications are the drugs most used to treat depressive illness. This drugs can be classified in four categories: tricyclics, newer-generation non-tricyclic anti-depressants, MAO inhibitors and lithium. In combination with other medications, or by adding other medications, the effectiveness may be increased.The treatment of depressive illness consists in psychotropic medication, psychotherapy and, very often, in a combination of both.
For treating the depressive illness in an effective manner, it is needed the cooperation of the patient, and involvement and support of the family and close friends as well. Of course, it is required a good communication between the patient and the treatment team, and some blood tests may be needed in order to find out which are the appropriate doses of medication that should be given.It is good to know that anti-depressant medications may intensify various symptoms associated with lupus, and can have side effects.
Recovering from depression is a gradual process, some progresses can be seen after a few weeks. Even if the signs of depressions seem to disappear quickly, it is important to continue medication for six months or longer, to avoid a relapse of the depression.There can appear a general slowing and clouding of mental functions in patients with depressive illness, but that is improving as the depressive condition improves.Psychotherapy can also be very helpful in assisting people with clinical depression, and the patient receives best benefits when the primary care physician maintains a close relationship with the psychiatrist or psychologist.