Main things about lymphoma

By:groshan fabiola

The word lymphoma actually means a tumor of the lymphatic system. This term is has Greek origins. Lymphoma actually describes the group of cancers in your lymphatic system. There are two main categories when it comes to lymphoma: Hodgkin' s lymphoma and all the other types of lymphoma known as non Hodgkin's lymphoma.

This type of cancer is a very spread one, more than half of all blood cancers that happen every year being lymphomas. The two main categories of lymphoma are actually named after an English physician named Thomas Hodgkin, who was the first to talk about this particular cancer type in the year 1832. Almost ten percent of all lymphoma cases that are diagnosed every year are actually Hodgkin' s lymphoma.

Lymphoma is actually the result of white blood cells that suffer malignant changes and then they start to multiply. As they start to increase in number, these cells outnumber the healthy cells and create tumors. The general starting point of lymphoma are the lymph nodes or tissues that are found in your intestines or in your stomach. In many lymphoma cases, the blood and bone marrow will also be affected. There are many lymph nodes in your body and lymphoma may start from any of them as well. Furthermore, this cancer, like all other cancers, will spread.

The most frightening thing of all is that the number of non Hodgkin' s lympoma cases has doubled in the last years. Because the cause of this lymphoma types is not yet known for a fact, the reason for the spreading of this disease is also not known for sure. However, there are factors that increase the risk of non Hodgkin' s lymphoma and many of them are believed to be the culprits. The main reason of all is thought to be the HIV virus. This virus causes immunodeficiency. The number of people that suffer from non Hodgkin' s lymphoma and also have HIV is so high that this is probably the main reason why in the last fifty years this type of lymphoma has spread so fast.

The Epstein Barr virus is also very highly linked to non Hodgkin' s lymphoma. However, this are some rare case of lymphoma. Infections, especially viral infections are in many cases related with this particular type of lymphoma. Bacterial infection do not seem to case any difference in lymphoma cases.

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So, if you want to find out more about mantle cell lymphoma or even about non hodgkins lymphoma please visit this link