Medical emergency-peritonitis
- By:groshan fabiola
Peritonitis, an infection of the lining of abdominal cavity is the most serious complication of appendicitis. When appendix ruptures (perforates) and the contents of intestines and infectious organisms invade the peritoneal cavity peritonitis may occur. When this happens, patients may suddenly feel better, but soon after, the entire abdomen may become distended with gas and fluid and will likely feel tight, hard and tender to the touch. Also it can appear pain throughout the abdomen, but the patient may not have the severe, localized pain of appendicitis. Because of the inflammation patients may not be able to pass gas or have a bowel movement. Fever, thirst and a low urine output are other signs and symptoms which can occur in this case.
A medical emergency is peritonitis. If a person develops signs of this abdominal infection, an emergency room immediately must go, because peritonitis can be extremely serious, even with prompt treatment. A ruptured appendix occurs to children more than adults. Parents may delay getting treatment because their children don't always have typical symptoms of appendicitis. If the abdominal pain appears a doctor should be called. Appendiceal abscess, a walled-off area of infection can be formed sometimes by the infection and the seepage of intestinal contents and this abscess may be as small as a walnut or as large as a grapefruit. Before the abscess itself perforates causing peritonitis, it requires surgery indifferently by its size.
Appendectomy is appendix surgically removed in the case of acute appendicitis. In this case two types of surgery can be used, one the traditional open surgery, using a single long abdominal incision and the other is laparoscopic surgery, which requires only a few small abdominal incisions. In a laparoscopic procedure, a laparoscope — a pencil-thin tube with its own lighting system and miniature video camera — is inserted by the surgeon into abdomen through a hollow instrument (cannula). The video camera shows a magnified view of the inside of the abdomen on an outside video monitor which allows the surgery to be seen in detail by surgeon. Surgeon uses tiny instruments inserted through one or two other small abdominal incisions to remove the appendix.
Laparoscopic surgery allows to patient to recover faster and heal with less scarring. In the case of the appendix has ruptured and infection has spread beyond the appendix or if an abscess is present, patient will need a larger incision so that surgeon can clean the abdominal cavity. During the recovery patient will receive intravenous antibiotics and will stay in the hospital.
Peritonitis is a very serious problem, so people which have pains in abdominal cavity should consult a doctor to avoid complications.About the author:
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