Medication for preventing a gout attack

By:groshan fabiola

A gout is a type of arthritis, which is the inflammation of your joints. In got cases, the attacks cause severe pain, sewlling and redness. These gout attack symptoms happen very sudden, without any further warning. To heal a gout case is impossible, because their exists no cure. However, there are things that can be done to control and treat your gout case.

To control and treat a gout takes more than medication. A diet and probably a change in your lifestyle must also be made if suffering from a gout. The medication that you will be prescribed to treat your gout case depend on some factors. Your doctor will give you the proper gout treatment after taking into consideration your age, state of health, other medication that you take and last but not least the severity of your gout attacks. The main drugs that you will be given are anti- inflammatory medicine:
- the most used gout drugs are anti- inflammatory drugs which have no steroids; ipubrofen is usually prescribed to a gout patient; this is a very used drug, because after taking it, the pain and inflammation that is caused by the gout flare will pass in a couple of hours;
- corticosteroids are the alternative for a gout patient who can not use the nonsteroidal drugs; these as well reduce the inflammation caused by the gout in no more than a few hours; you can find this type of gout drug in form of pills or injections;
- another drug used to calm down the gout flare symptoms is colchicine; its effect can been seen in a few hours time;

Besides these drugs that are used to reduce the symptoms of a gout flare, there are also other drugs for preventing the gout attacks from happening. Allopurinol or probenecid lower the levels of uric acid that you have in your blood, thus reducing the risk of another gout attack. They are only given to the gout patients that suffer from many gout flares or have kidney stones because of the uric acid. However, if the levels of uric acid are lowered too sudden, this may trigger a gout attack as well. To prevent this from happening, doctors also prescribe colchicine to gout patients who take drugs to lower the levels of acid. Furthermore, the therapy with acid- lowering drugs is not started when the patient is suffering from a gout attack.

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If you are intersted in finding more information about gout you can click on this website Also you will find there valuable information about gout symptoms and gout treatments.