Medications used in hiatus hernia

By:groshan fabiola

The symptoms of hiatus hernia are reduced by some lifestyle changes like: eating small frequent meals rather than fewer large meals, avoid bending over or lying down after a meal, foods like spicy food, coffee and alcohol must be avoided, no smoking, lose excess weight if overweight and must sleep propped up on plenty of pillows or with the head end of the bed raised 10 cm.

People can take two medicines without prescription of a doctor like Antacids and H2 blockers. Antacids is liquid or tablet form and contain magnesium or aluminium which neutralize the stomach acid. Alginate is an ingredient which is contained by others and forms a barrier that floats on the top of the stomach contents and prevents them splashing back into the gullet, so it prevents heartburn and reflux symptoms.

Another medicine which can be taken is Bismuth, Rennies and Gaviscon. Antacids contain many ingredients. In case when the antacids are not working or must be taken a large quantities of antacids, a more powerful medication can be taken by a recommandation of a pharmacist. These powerful drugs are H2 blockers (H2 antagonists) which reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. The two of these medications are famotidine (Pepcid Two) and ranitidine (Zantac).

If a person needs medicines more than two or three times a week for indigestion regularly should consult a doctor, because he can prescribe longer-acting H2 antagonists. A proton pump inhibitor which reduce acid production can be prescribed by the doctor. Other two medicines are omeprazole (Losec) and lansoprazole (Zoton). Sucralfate or carboxenoxolone are other medicines which protect the stomach lining by the acid-attack.

Sometimes in hiatus hernia people use a complementary treatments like acupuncture, relaxation and visualisation, yoga and tai chi which are helpful, but their effects are unknown and they are not evidenced from scientific point that being effective.

Surgery is used rarely when the hiatus hernia causes severe symptoms or complications and this operation is named a fundoplication. This operation consists in a cut done in the upper abdomen, then the stomach is pushed into the correct position and secured it there and finally is repaired the gap of the diaphragm. There are two types of surgery: open surgery which can be made through an incision in the abdomen or keyhole (laparoscopic) surgery.

People with hiatus hernia should make changes in their lifestyle and have to take the correct treatment for their disease.

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