Menopausal symptoms and research therapy
- By:groshan fabiola
Alternative or complementary herbal therapies used by women for menopausal symptoms are not attested as helpfull by scientific studies. That doesn’t mean they are useless, but they have no proof that they really do work.
Doctors used to say that no lifestyle modification or body techniques are safe and sure to give results. Those alternative/complementary therapies pertain to several categories such as: biologically based therapies which include botanicals, fatty acids, probiotics, diets, vitamins, minerals.
Another category are: mind-body therapies that focus on the mingle of emotional, spiritual, mental,social, behavioral factors affect health. What about energy therapies which imply: electromagnetic forces, or hypothetical energies, such as life-force energy, manipulative and body-based therapies such as massage, chiropractic and osteopathy.
There are other medical systems such as: traditional Chinese medicine and ayurvedic medicine. It is very hard to withdraw a pertinent conclusion on how effective really are those techniques because of the great differentials in outcome measures, biological therapies, nonstandardized study populations. Some studies find benefit in some natural substances but then are other studies that have no concludent result or even worse their result is contradictory.
The placebo effect is really prominent in what regards the menopausal symptoms. Studies shown that almost half of the U.S population used alternative medicine and women more often than men seek natural treatments. But not all of the women using alternative therapies against menopausal symptoms declare to their doctor. So it would be more effective if both doctor and patients knew exactly what type of substances and alternative or complementary treatments they are taking and how are those influencing their health status.
Complementary treatments are alternative treatments that are used in combination with traditional ones such as surgery. Nutritional supplements that may relieve menopausal symptoms are: black cohosh and flaxseed those contain phytoestrogens and are a natural way to relieve post menopausal symptoms.
Botanicals are medicines taken from plants, first they have been used by folk healers now their use has expanded and they are a component part in the drugs prescribed and form the alternative therapies. Phytoestrogens may work in the body like a weak form of estrogen and relieve hot flashes and night sweats. Isoflavones are also very helpfull they may be find in soy products. Those supplements improve the general state of health and have no side effects on the majority of persons taking them, so they may be taken as alternative or complementary medications.
Some women feel better when taking vitamin E although studies haven’t shown a reduction in hot flashes, is recommended to take it during the menopausal period. Although studies haven’t shown any results in the post menopausal symptoms may women reported that they have a better state of health after practicing yoga and acupuncture.About the author:
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