More details about the symptoms of scabies

By:groshan fabiola

To ensure the best treatment it is vital to know exactly the symptoms of scabies and to identify them in order to prevent the infestation in community. Under the outer layer of the skin the mite lays eggs in the burrows or tunnels. Its presence causes the inflammation of the skin with pimple irritations, rash, itch known as scabies. The mites are very small they can be seen only on microscope. Scabies is produced by some tiny mites, it is very contagious and transmitted by close contact as skin to skin.

Scabies infects only humans and can survive only for 1-4 days out of the human body, pets do not get infested with scabies.

Extreme itching is known as the obvious symptom of scabies, it is very intense during the night. The skin becomes red and blistered and the itchy is an allergic reaction ot the mites and their waste. Symptoms appear in few days in people who had scabies previously, but appear in 2-6 weeks in people who hadn't the disease previously. The eggs may be spread during the scratching or may extend the infection to nails and fingers.

Other affected areas are: abdomen, genitalia, buttocks, nipples, wrist, elbows, armpits, between the toes and fingers. Do not delay in presenting to the doctor, because scabies is highly contagious and it may take a while to get rid of it, its symptoms may be disturbing(for example causing insomnia, discomfort, restlessness). Often it may be confused with other skin infestations such as : eczema, impetigo especially in young children.

The contamination with scabies is by close contact as skin to skin or by shaking hands and during the sexual contact, clothing, bedding. Although scabies mites can survive only for 2-4 days out of the human body one may spread scabies until all the mites and eggs are killed by the treatment. Not following the treatment as soon you dicovered you are infested with scabies means that you are a source of infection that spreads scabies mites all around.

The infected person should wash its clothes and bedding in hot water and ironed, this way all the mites and its eggs are killed, the washing up and ironing should be done all the time to prevent scabies and other possible infestations or contagious skin diseases. The family of the infected person and other close contacts should be treated. The treatment should be applied at the same time to all persons in order to prevent re-infestation.

So, those are the basic information that you should know about scabies and its treatment. For more information you can visit some sites on the internet network which provide complete information regarding the scabies matter.

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