Multiple sclerosis fact sheet

By:groshan fabiola

Multiple sclerosis is a very serious and hard condition because it affects nerves. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that " attacks" the nerves fund un your spinal cord or your brain. Because of this, you will suffer from problems with controlling your muscles, vision and your balance. This is what multiple sclerosis patients have to deal with. There are not may people who suffer from multiple sclerosis, but those who do have to put up with a lot. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects mainly young people, starting from their 20' s. Furthermore, studies have shown that women are more likely to develop multiple sclerosis than men.

Multiple sclerosis affects the central nerve system. The nerves affected by multiple sclerosis are made of nerve fibres. These fibres transmit the electrical impulses or various messages that the brain sends. These messages are sent to different areas of your spinal cord or brain. so you see, when you are affected with multiple sclerosis, these signals mess up. Because these nerves go to all the important organs and muscles and tissues of your body, you only, can imagine what multiple sclerosis can do to you. You might wonder how multiple sclerosis appears. Well, this condition, multiple sclerosis is thought to be an auto immune condition. This, means that your immune system starts to attack your own body cells instead of the enemy ones. This is how multiple sclerosis starts. The immune system screws up and instead of fighting against virus or bacteria, it starts to go against your own nervous system, thus multiple sclerosis. When you are affected with multiple sclerosis, the myelin sheet of your nerves is
damaged. This way, the nerve will not be able to send the signals as it should. This is the main problem with multiple sclerosis. The word sclerosis, from multiple sclerosis actually means hardened. So it actually tells you what will happen to your nerves if you have multiple sclerosis. Your nerves will harden in time.

What actually causes multiple sclerosis is still an unsolved equation. Reaserchers say that both genetics and the environment are causes of multiple sclerosis. Studies have actually shown that people who live far from the equator are more exposed to multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis can affect many people who are different. Their symptoms of multiple sclerosis can also differ. The most common multiple sclerosis symptoms are: problems with your vision, with balance, memory problems and problems with some internal organs and muscles.

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We recommend you clicking this site for more multiple sclerosis subjects like symptoms of multiple sclerosis or multiple sclerosis therapy