Multiple sclerosis

By:groshan fabiola

Multiple sclerosis is a rather unknown disease, because it does not affect many people. However, multiple sclerosis is a very hard medical condition. The reason is because when you suffer from multiple sclerosis, the patches of myelin or the fibres of your nerves are damaged. Multiple sclerosis affects the nerves of your eyes, spinal cord or brain.

This disease, multiple sclerosis actually refers to the number of sclerosis areas that are a result of the demyelination of your nerves. Multiple sclerosis affects young adults, with ages between twenty up to fourty years old. Multiple sclerosis affects more women then men. The number of women affected by multiple sclerosis is actually twice of the number of men that suffer from multiple sclerosis. In multiple sclerosis, there are periods of flare- ups and periods of remission. Actually the first type of multiple sclerosis is called relapsing- remitting. However, this is only the beginning of multiple sclerosis. In time, this condition gets even worse. The second stage of multiple sclerosis is second progressive. The third type of multiple sclerosis is first progressive. For the first two multiple sclerosis types, there are drugs that can change the course of the disease, multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis presents a mistery that people have not been able to solve yet. What causes multiple sclerosis is still unknown. One of the explanation that doctors have given us is that multiple sclerosis may be caused by a virus. Another theory is that an antigen, of unknown origin is the cause of multiple sclerosis. What this antigen or virus do is to make your body attack its own tissues. Then, the auto immune system starts to fight against its own cells, causing inflammation and the distruction of the myelin patch and nerve fibres. This is what happens when you have multiple sclerosis. Genetics is thought to be another probable cause for multiple sclerosis. If someone in your family has had multiple sclerosis, you are more at risk of developing multiple sclerosis then others. Another cause for the development of multiple sclerosis is thought to be the environment. It appears that the first 16 years of your life are very important for multiple sclerosis. If you have lived in a temperate climate, chances are that you will develop multiple sclerosis. On the other hand, if you have lived in a tropical climate, that lowers the risk of having multiple sclerosis.

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