Non Hodgkin' s disease- a lymphoma type

By:groshan fabiola

Lymphoma is the type of cancer that affects your lymphatic system. There are two main lymphoma types: Hodgkin' s lymphoma and non Hodgkin' s lymphoma. The second type of lymphoma was a fairly rare disease a few decades back. Nowadays, the number of people that are affected by the non Hodgkin' s lymphoma has grown in such a manner, that now this type of cancer is in many countries the fifth type of cancer on the most common cancer list.

Adults as well as children can be affected by the non Hodgkin' s lymphoma. However, they way that they are treated for this disease is different. This condition can affect both a single or a group of the lymph nodes found in your body. As there are many subtypes of non Hodgkin' s lymphoma, the way that these subtypes are grouped either by how the lymph cells appear under the microscope, of by the time that it takes for the disease to spread. If classified by the time that it takes lymphoma to spread, then there are two big groups:
- aggressive lymphoma, when the cancer cells spread very quickly and cause very severe symptoms;
- indolent lymphoma, when the tumors spread and grow slower and do not cause as many symptoms;

There are also some risk factors when talking about non Hodgkin' s lymphoma. Age, viruses, the environment and the state of your immune system can make a big difference when talking about this lymphoma type.
- the sex and age of a person is very important: men seem to be more affected by non Hodgkin' s lymphoma than women and as one gets older, the risk of developing this type of cancer increases;
- viruses are also a risk factor in lymphoma cases; Epstein Barr and HTLV I viruses increase the risk of developing non Hodgkin' s lymphoma;
- where you live or work may also make a difference in lymphoma cases; exposure to certain chemicals put you at risk of developing lymphoma;
- if your immune system is weakened by certain disease or medication, then you are more at risk of developing the non Hodgkin' s disese than people that have no immune system problems;

Night sweats, fatigue, unexplained fever or itchy skin are some of the symptoms that you might have when suffering from non Hodgkin' s lymphoma. Weight loss, red patches on your skin or some swelling of your lymph nodes may also indicate a lymphoma case.

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So, if you want to find out more about non hodgkins lymphoma or even about mantle cell lymphoma please visit this link