Obsessive and repetitive actions in autistic patients
- By:groshan fabiola
For unexplained reasons, autistic children show obsessions to particular objects, sometimes even a strange kind of attachment towards them, and act by repetitive senseless actions. Their repetitive behavior has been given more potential explanation; some scientists see it as an attempt to maintain stability in their own world, others say it is an essay to use their well developed functions or on the contrary to develop a lower function.
This strange repetitive behavior also limits their imaginative play options. Normally developed children like to pretend they are someone else and give a toy many other uses. But autistics do not like to pretend or play with toys, they simply smell, analyze and touch it continuously for several hours.
Autism impedes children to create an objective and real opinion of the world as they cannot use their senses in a benefic way. Sensor perceptions like seeing, hearing or touching create a disturbed even painful sensation for the autistic child and lead to confusion. Information collected by all senses never merges into a coherent picture that might help them perceive a normal reality. The causes of these problems seem to be disturbed signals that get to the brain or on the other hand a wrong integration of the sensory signals. Most accepted theory is the contribution of both pathological variants to the autistic disorder.
As a result to a disturbed brain function, autistics receive signals like smells, light or sound as painful. Many are bothered by the touch of the clothes on their skin and cannot concentrate on anything else and others resist cuddling as a damaging action. Gentle hugs are overwhelming for them and they resist any affection attempt. Sounds caused by vacuum cleaner, telephone, airplane or wind evoke screams and the children cover their years.
Scientists believe their hearing level is turned on maximum and they hear any slow sound at super loud level. This is the reason for them ignoring sounds and acting like deaf in spite of their normal hearing sense. The brain is also unable to equilibrate sensations in a realistic way so they ignore extreme cold or pain but react aggressively to perfectly normal things. A simple light can provoke hysteria while breaking an arm can pass unnoticed. Sometimes senses are scrambled inside their brain and they hear a sound while being touched or when seeing a certain texture or color.
Maybe in order to compensate their many difficulties and defaults, some autistic patients have extraordinary abilities like drawing three-dimensional realistic pictures at a very young age, or begin to read perfectly at the age of two. Other children can play an instrument they have never heard before, remember exact dates, being able to perform rapidly very complex operations names and numbers, sing a song they have only heard once and memorize entire books or television series. But such intelligence skills are very rare encountered.About the author:
For greater resources on Autism or especially about autism causes please click this link http://www.autism-info-center.com/autism-causes.htm