Overview of possible Rosacea treatments

By:groshan fabiola

To this moment, no actual cure for Rosacea has been found; the condition can only be controlled, prevented from getting permanent, from developing complications and from occurring more often. The therapy depends on the four major forms of Rosacea:

1. The erithematotelenagiectatic Rosacea occurs with more pronounced facial redness and thin, red lines on the skin known as teleangiectasie. The most useful treatment is oral antibiotics as some face ointments can be itchy for the skin. In less serious cases, an anti-inflammatory product can be applied on the face together with a sun protecting lotion. In more severe cases, the only possible therapy seems to be a special laser intervention known as pulsed dye laser.
2. The papulopustular form of Rosacea includes facial flushing, thin red lines on the skin and especially small red spots resembling the ones in acne but without black or white heads. The most proper treatment used is the combination of antibiotics and facial ointments.
3. Phymatous Rosacea includes symptoms like large pores, thickened skin, flushing, pimples and teleangiectasie. Usually the nose is affected, but chin, cheeks forehead, eyelids or ears can also be occupied by the specific lesions. In the incipient stages Isotrentinoin can be prescribed but in more advanced only laser interventions or plastic surgery can resurface and reshape the nose affected by rhinophyma.
4. The main symptoms of the ocular Rosacea include dryness, redness and irritation of the eyes, the eyelids feel dry and flaky all the time and you may have the feeling of foreign body in your eyes. In advanced stages, pain or blurred vision can occur. Possible treatments are artificial tears, ointments and antibiotics.

Normally, the symptoms of Rosacea improve in about 3-4 weeks of treatment; visible results can be observed in about two therapy months. An important part of the therapy is avoidance of the most common triggers for the specific condition. These principal causes must be followed, detected and avoided in order to prevent flare-ups and benefit from the actual treatment.

There are a few tips for preventing the apparition of Rosacea although it cannot be totally avoided as its real cause remains unidentified. You may put up a list containing all potential triggers of flare-ups, note them and try as much as you can to avoid them. Usually the triggers are sun exposure, spicy food, cold weather, high temperatures, emotional stress and skin care products.

About the author:
So, if you want to find out more about ocular rosacea or even about rosacea skin care please click this link http://www.rosacea-center.com/