Performed tests in cases of thyroid gland tumors

By:groshan fabiola

The thyroid gland is one of the most important parts of our body. If something were to happen with gland one this is for certain: we must found out as quick as possible.This is the reason why today there are lots of tests that can help detect problems with the thyroid, like tumors or masses. Of course some test are more certain than others.Many may thing that most of the tests performed are a waste of time and especially money. Some may argue with this. That being said, I'll present you some of the most common tests that are available.

One of the most frequently used tests in many cases not only to determine a thyroid tumor is the blood test. If the level of thyroid hormone found in the blood is higher than normal, that could indicate cancer. Also the antibodies discovered in the blood can tell us about another problem related to the thyroid gland: the thyroid mass. But one thing is for certain, the blood test only gives the doctor an idea what to look for and is never the basis for a proper diagnose.

Scanning the thyroid is another option, but this as the first one, cannot clarify things for certain. Through the help of radioactive pictures , doctors are able to see if the thyroid tumor functions or not.The problem is that not all thyroid cancer works.

The third option would be to do an ultrasound. With the help of the test one can found out if the tumor is solid of filled with fluid. This helps because it is generally known that solid one's, the chysts are not cancerous. But as the other tests presented before, this as well does not shed any light on the matter. On the contrary it can confuse even more, for some tumors are known to be part solid, part fluid.

Other tests that can be performed are the MRi's or the CAT scans. These are based on x-rays. Unfortunately they are very expensive and not indicated in many cases of thyroid problems, like the evaluation of thyroid masses.

The remaining options could be the biopsy or the fine needle aspiration. This test also raises controversy and it's accuracy depends on what kind of thyroid cancer must be detected. It has better accuracy rate for papillary cancer.The success of this test depends, in most cases, of the person analyzing the cells. The test results often come with an undefined response. It may turn out to be even unnecessary at one point. It all depends very much of the professionally and knowledge of the pathologist.

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