Prevention, treatment and complications of Rosacea
- By:groshan fabiola
The first therapy step in caring for Rosacea symptoms is to avoid all possible triggers leading to the exacerbation of the condition. Patients must monitor their sun exposure and always wear skin care products while being exposed to the sun shines. All irritating skin care products should be avoided as well as heavy cosmetics. Rosacea patients must use products containing Simethicone and Cyclomethicone. All potential triggers of redness, skin eruptions and flushing must be avoided starting with cigarette smoking, alcohol and spicy food.
The most common used oral antibiotics for treating Rosacea and keeping it under control are Tetracycline, Doxycycline and Metronidazole. Benefic effects on the skin eruptions specific for Rosacea seems to have the topical use gel containing Metronidazole. This product is however irritant for some of the patients producing symptoms like burning and stinging. Thus, in some other cases, topically used Metronidazole seems to help reduce facial erythema and teleangiectasie. Metronidazole cannot be administered during pregnancy and must be replaced with the also benefic topical product called Clindamycin. Oral tetracycline and Metronidazole are also forbidden during the pregnancy period due to its teratogenic effects.
The topical gels, creams and lotions for Rosacea should be well spread across the entire face skin surface and not only on some more affected spots. Rosacea is a chronic condition; it cannot be cured and requires ling-term treatment to allow maintaining the symptoms under control.
In particular cases, when oral and topical antibiotics have only given partial effects, other products containing vitamin A like Accutane, Roaccutane or the topical Retinol-A can produce relieving effects. Retinoid treatment is useful in keeping pustules and papules under control but may worsen erythema and teleangiectasie. Also useful in some cases of Rosacea as second-line therapy are trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, Methotrexate, Dapsone, Primaquine, Chloroquine and oral Prednisone.
Topical corticosteroids applied on the face can produce a similar to Rosacea syndrome with similar symptoms. Fluorinated products lead to low-potency; non-fluorinated products worsen existing Rosacea and delay the resolution of steroid-induced flare-ups.
The most frequent complications of Rosacea are emotional and social stigmas such as low self-esteem due to the hideous anesthetically appearance of facial redness, papules and pustules. The facial erythema or flushing may produce feelings of embarrassment or anxiety in social situations. Panic disorders could be triggered by Rosacea symptoms and some patients have the tendency to become reclusive. The facial disfigurement can also lead to low sexual desire and might impede the career development at least in the patient’s imagination. Due to the rhinophyma, some of the Rosacea patients may be cataloged as alcohol consumers.About the author:
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