Primary Three Errors That Will Prevent You From Curing Acne...

By:cathlen orbase

Let me be straight up...

I talk to an abundance of acne sufferers every day. I help them as much as possible. Some are extraordinarily successful right off the bat. Those that have problems Ive observed have a few things in common.

Heres a few of my observations of the mistakes acne sufferers make and how to avoid them.

#1 Mistake: They think the difficulty is with their skin and try to fix the difficulty topically...

Acne, all acne, be it adult acne or teenage acne has nothing to do with your skin. Now, before you think Ive gone crazy please hear me on this one...

How healthy your skin is only an outside view of your internal health.

To resolve your acne dilemma you must eternally give up the notion that you will be able to apply a gel or cream on your skin that will cure your acne...

How do you correct the inner problem? We'll get to that so stay tuned.

#2 Mistake: They dont understand WITH PRECISION whats really causing their acne...

Some shout refined sugar causes acne. Others say too much sex, or birth control pills, or not having of birth control pills.

Then others say its bad diet or bad hygiene. While others swear food has nothing to do with it...its all genetic.

And a host of other theories.

(By the way, all of these "theories" are wrong. None of them are the acne cause.)

And because they never figure out whats really causing their acne they waste their valuable time and money on worthless treatments that never really address the root cause of thier acne.

The most important first step to becoming acne-free is to learn exactly whats causing it. (Please see my special report on what's causing your acne.

#3 Mistake: If they ever do find out what is the cause of they dont have an effective strategy or protocol to fix the problem...

...Or they are missing an important ingredient thats stopping them from fixing the problem.

So they get discourage and give up...Only to jump for the next quick fix acne cream or acne fad...Never correcting the underlying problem. But they never correct the cause of acne.

They end up suffering longer when they dont have to. And they suffer yet more years when they dont have to.

Please hear me...

...Your life is worth it. Make the time to correctly understand whats really causing your acne and how to end it. Trust me, acquiring this knowledge is the best use of your time.

But know who you are learning from...

...Most dont know of whats really causing your acne. Learn from those who are getting results who have cured their own acne and have helped other acne sufferers do the same.

I've done it. And I can show you how. You can find out more here:

About the author:
Leo Kiesen is a ex-adult severe acne sufferer who became completely "fed up" with the lack of success he was getting from conventional adult acne "cures". He surmised there must be a universal cause of all acne and a all encompassing natural acne solution. After over a decade of investigation he finally stumbled upon it. Using this insight he was able to cure his own acne naturally. He now mentors other acne sufferers how to do what he did. To discover more check out the complementary natural adult acne solution e-reportsat this address: