Reactions due to allergies

By:groshan fabiola

An allergy reaction to certain substances that are 'foreign' to our bodies is eczema.The allergens can range from food and pollen to drugs and dust.Some people are more susceptible to allergies than others.To become sensitive a contact with a substance is sufficient to be allergic. Liver is the main organ which can process substances that are 'foreign' to the body in order to make them "friendly".

The most commonly directed to block the immune response or to suppress the entire immune function with steroids is the conventional treatment of allergies.This approach can provide symptomatic relief.Patients often become dependant on their medication and they worsen their overall health by constantly suppressing the immune system.A majority of the liver's blood supply is venous blood: 75% of the blood entering the liver is venous blood from the portal vein.In most cases the majority of the venous blood returning from the small intestine, stomach, pancreas and spleen converges into the portal vein.The liver gets "first pickings" of everything is absorbed in the small intestine.

The liver's job is to process all the foods that the intestines have been absorbing.The blood supply to the liver is arterial blood provided from the hepatic artery.Intrahepatic stones and/or gallstones provided by the mallfunction of the liver and gall bladder can develop allergies. Leaky gut syndrome and liver stones represent other important factors.In candidiasis- candida overgrowth - infection poor liver and gallbladder function is an important cofactor.Also candida overgrowth - infection is the main cofactor in Leaky gut.An aproach is made between intrahepatic stones, leaky gut, candida and allergies.Intrahepatic stones block liver function and intestinal function and cause allergies and celiac disease.After a fatty meal the intrahepatic stones may be sucked into gallbladder while naturally passing by through main bile duct.

A link between intrahepatic stones and leaky gut exists.Because of the decreased integrity of the mucous membranes that become 'leaky' to the numerous foreign substances most allergies appear.

There is a variety of allergies but there are also many possibilities of healing them consisting in medications and other natural treatments that people may use.

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