Rosacea treatment options
- By:groshan fabiola
The best possible hope for Rosacea patients is an early diagnose and treatment; the condition must be carefully controlled in order to prevent the appearance of rhinophema or teleangiectasie. A rapid treatment could also reverse the progression of the symptoms. In severe and late stages, Rosacea is still treatable but the results may vary and more specific methods must be applied. A drug medication with topic and oral administration can help release red bumps and pimples caused by Rosacea.
Although an actual cure for the condition is not yet available, there are many therapy methods that can be applied to ameliorate symptoms. 87% of a total 1800 patients interrogated affirm their Rosacea has been controllable by an adequate therapy. Methods vary from topic and oral products to laser therapy in teleangiectasie and laser surgery in rhinophema. In more severe cases, physicians use combinations of these methods to treat Rosacea.
Local products and antibiotics are helpful in treating red bumps and pustules filled with pus; topic administration usually takes a month or even two to show real benefic results. Such antibiotics are Metronidazole, clyndamicin, erythromycin, sulfur, benzoyl peroxide and azelaic acid. The number of pustules and papules will be reduced as well.
Oral products are indicated in flare-ups of Rosacea because they take faster control over the symptoms. Such antibiotics are erythromycin, doxycicline, tetracycline and Minocycline. The glycoic acid will help treat the red bumps and pimples caused by Rosacea. It is contained in products like creams, peels and washes. Peels are applied once every 3 weeks and causes the skin to become red. Patients must avoid sun for a few hours until the redness goes away. The other glicoic products are given to increase the peeling effect.
In more severe cases of Rosacea Doctors recommend Isotrentinoin to minimize areas with thickened skin and reduce the Rosacea caused nodular formations. The use of Isotrentinoin is limited because of its powerful side-effects.
Rosacea can produce eye complications with redness and eyelid swelling. Treatment is possible by using eyelid cleaning products, warm compresses and scrubbing with diluted baby shampoo. Doxycicline, Minocycline and tetracycline can all be used to treat eyelid Rosacea.
Redness and flushing of the face can be reduced by topic and oral products as well as the appearance of thin blood vessels under the skin. Teleangiectasie can be annihilated by electrosurgery, intense pulsed light and laser therapy. These are meant to destroy the blood vessels visible under the skin and must be performed under close surveillance of a dermatologist. For actual results, more sessions are required.
The thickened skin on the nose called rhinophema can be removed by dermabrasion, electrosurgery and laser surgery.About the author:
So, if you want to find out more about rosacea skin care or even about ocular rosacea please click this link