Scabies and post scabies problems
- By:groshan fabiola
Frequently seen in newly adopted children scabies is a health problem that is very contagious and spreads rapidly. They are microscopic mites that burrow under the skin and cause terrible itching. There is known a treatment called Ascabiol that has benefic effects over this infection. Ascabiol is a French product that surely helped. The problems occur after the successful treatment is applied. In less than a month patches such as water blisters may occur all over the body. The most affected areas are the feet, wrists or fingers causing terrible itchiness. These problems do not mean a reoccurrence of scabies.
After a close look specialist can realize if it is scabies or not. If doctors take a look at the blisters occurred on the patient’s body they might confirm that is a post scabies irritation condition. These problems often occur in patients that had scabies and have treated the infection. The itching, redness and the blisters are caused by the dead mites found under the skin. In most of the cases it takes moths or even years to for these dead microorganisms to work there way out.
In most of the cases scabies occur in folds of the skin. The most common affected areas are between the fingers or toes, the wrists, heels, elbows or waists. It is known that these infections can not be seen with the naked eye, but only under a microscope. If a washable marker is used to color the affected area the burrows of the mites may appear under a microscope as small lines on the skin.
The post scabies irritations mean reddening of the skin in the affected areas. After the reddening of the skin blisters may occur. The blisters dry in less than a day and then the dead skin peals off. The most problematic symptom is an irritating itchiness that last the whole period of outbreaks. These outbreaks occur in cycles that last about 3 or 4 weeks. In time the problems with itchiness are easing.
In order to avoid scabies it is recommended to keep distance from the infected persons. Skin to skin contact is the most frequently seen cause of spreading scabies. Most of the cases are seen in orphanages where children share there clothing, towels or sheets. To prevent scabies is also recommended routine bathing in warm water with borax added or even saunas.
One of the most used treatment is a 5 % permethrin product. Not recommended for its side effects is any product that contains LINDANE.
In order to control the itching moisturizing lotions, hydrocortisone creams, olive oil, oatmeal baths or baking soda baths are recommended.About the author:
For more resources on different scabies related issues like causes of scabies, scabies rash, scabies natural treatments and many more visit