Schizophrenia, a brain disease

By:groshan fabiola

Being a brain disease the effects it has on the patient are very drastic. Even daily things become difficult or like in the case of personal hygiene unmanageable and neglected. The behavior of the patient changes drastically, the person becoming very irrational and chaotic. The brain being in this way affected, thinking , feeling, understanding and consciousness itself are altered in very different and negative ways. Thinking coherently, expressing emotions appropriately and interacting with others normally becomes a seriously difficult task for patients. Family life is also affected, members having now to provide and care for the sick person to. On an emotional level they sometimes become distressed and overwhelmed by this, on top of witch they have to now see their loved one become a seriously ill patient of a chronic disease.

One of the most defining features of schizophrenia is psychosis. This happens when the chronicle ill patient losses touch with reality ( the ability to differentiate between real and imaginary things is damaged). It is not uncommon for schizophrenia patients to suffer from hallucinations or even delusions; most often in the cases of hallucinations we have the hearing of voices and for delusions the impression that someone or something wants to heart them. When trying to correct this involuntary actions in the patient, it has been found that the treatment is met with resistance and defensiveness.

In the case of schizophrenic patients the brain is seriously out of order, thus for them the reality that their brain presents to them is as real as the one of a normal person in the real world. This in a way makes the patient be trapped in a sort of virtual reality created by his own brain. The hallucinations and delusions are very serious for them and because of this they try desperately to understand what is going on around them and why those things are happening to them. Because they are presented with their own reality, actually living in the one that is real is very difficult making interacting between them and normal people very hard.

This loss of reality is very difficult for both the patient, who is trying desperately to make sense of the chaos that his brain has created and he is now faced with, and for the family because they have to watch helplessly how their loved one is losing touch with reality and becoming a problem for the rest of them.

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For more resources about schizophrenia cause or even about types of schizophrenia please follow this link