Some aspects that concern fibromyalgia
- By:groshan fabiola
Fibromyalgia is a biochemical disorder, it affects all the body. It is known that this syndrome has nothing to do with the fibers of the muscles, the problem is at the central nervous system.
It is known that the fibromyalgia syndrome is not progressive in time, and if a patient experiences that the illness is getting worse, that is the cause of an aggravating factor. It is necessary to determine which that factor is, and to deal with it, to treat it, and the symptoms will soon ease.
It is important to know that fibromyalgia is not a disease, because a disease has some well-known causes and mechanisms. It is a syndrome, and a syndrome includes specific signs and symptoms that take place together. We can mention other syndromes too, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
In the same family of central nervous system dysfunctions we find CFIDS, but fibromyalgia syndrome has nothing to do with it. It was made a study, and there was discovered that most patients with CFIDS have normal levels of substance P in the cerebrospinal fluid, while fibromyalgia syndrome patients have increased substance P in the cerebrospinal fluid.
It is known that fibromyalgia means more than widespread pain or achy muscles. There are diseases that can cause widespread pain too. Some of the are hypothyroid and other endocrine abnormalities, Lyme disease, HIV, some genetic diseases, and widespread pain can be the result of the side-effects of some medications also.
Although there surely exist people with fibromyalgia that have mental illness, studies revealed that the fibromyalgia syndrome is not a mental illness, so it shouldn’t be categorized like being one.
We can surely say that fibromyalgia is not autoimmune. There were found patients with fibromyalgia syndrome that developed co-existing autoimmune conditions, and there are also known patients with immune conditions that developed FMS, but this does not reveal a causal relationship.
It is known that fibromyalgia syndrome is not infectious. Many triggers, such as infections, pollution, stress and diet can lead to fibromyalgia syndrome apparition, but this doesn’t mean that fibromyalgia is infectious. It is true, there were cases of partners of patients having fibromyalgia syndrome that developed the same illness, but this is explained by the fact that there is a lot of stress and financial effort in dealing with this syndrome, so it is not surprising that thing happened.
Fibromyalgia can be diagnosed when finding more than eleven tender points on the body. When pressed, tender points cause pain in that spot not in the whole body or in other areas. The doctor will test the existence of these tender points by executing a pressure with the finger in a certain point of the body. This pressure must be done in order to whiten the thumbnail, meaning that the doctor applies a pressure which equals a 4 kg pressure. The next step in considering valuable the tender points, is finding them in the four quadrants of the body. These quadrants are: the upper right, the upper left, the lower right and the lower left quadrant. It is known that tender points come in pairs and so, the pain will be equally represented in both body areas.About the author:
For more resources on fibromyalgia and espcially about fibromyalgia diet please visit this link