Some drugs, like Bextra are suspectable of provoking heart attacks and strokes
- By:groshan fabiola
Studies revealed that Vioxx, a cox-2 inhibitor increases the risks of heart attacks and strokes. As a result of this situation, this drug had to be recalled from the US market.
Bextra, another cox-2 inhibitor, which belongs to the same drug category like Vioxx, made the patients to concern and worry. They were afraid that Bextra will develop the same risks like Vioxx did.
In a study, it was determined that it is possible that Bextra can lead to heart attacks, and patients that used Bextra and had heart surgery present an increased risk.
In stead, the manufacturer of this drug sustained that there is not a clear proof that can sustain Bextra is determining heart attacks and strokes. He also mentioned that he will start a long-term investigation to explore the possibilities of Bextra heart attack.
Doctors advice patients that are taken or took Bextra to be vigilant, to observe if there appear some symptoms that can show heart problems, such as breathing difficulties, fatigue, persistent coughing, chest pain and changes in appetite.
Patients are also advised to seek any signs of stroke that they might have. We can mention here: blurry vision, speech problems, weakness, confusion, disorientation, coordination problems and numbness along one side of the body.
If you are using, or you have used Bextra in the past, and you experience the apparition of any of the signs listed above, you must immediately go to the doctor. It is very important that you discuss with him about the symptoms that appeared, about any concerns you have about Bextra , or side effects that you think appeared cause of this drug. The doctor can perform some investigations, tests, and he can also change your medication if that is needed.
If a person suffered a heart attack or stroke caused by Bextra, he should look for legal advice, cause there exists the chance that he or she will be given compensation.
It is good to contact a drug litigation lawyer, especially one that is experienced in the field of Bextra lawsuits. A good lawyer can help you to put together a successful claim against the manufacturer of this drug.
Although closer tests in what concern Bextra heart attack and stroke possibilities will be made, there will be initiated studies on other cox-2 inhibitors as well, because it is important to determine the safety of these drugs as a group.
It is important to remember that yet, there is not sure if Bextra really provokes heart attacks and strokes, but every person that uses or used this drug should be very attentive if any symptoms, or signs that announce heart attack and stroke appear. If this signs appear, the doctor must be contacted at once.About the author:
If you want to find out more resources about heart attack or about bextra heart attack please review this page