Some facts about eczema

By:groshan fabiola

Studies revealed that there are about 15 million Americans affected by eczema, and 10% of all children have this disease. Eczema is an inflammation of the skin, and it is associated sometimes with an allergic reaction. It was seen that eczema appears in children sometimes behind a knee or in the bend of an elbow, and usually, it will disappear by the time the child reaches puberty.
The most common of all eczemas is the atopic dermatitis. This illness belongs to the group of hereditary diseases, which tend to run in families, and many times they appear together. In this family of diseases we can find hay fever, asthma, and atopic dermatitis.

It was seen that a common symptom is itchiness that can become very uncomfortable. There can appear an infection of the skin because of the persistent scratching, and it was seen that the skin can be very red, highly inflamed and dry. It is very important that skin hidratation to be maintained.

When the skin takes contact with certain substances like detergents, chemicals and other, there can appear the irritant contact eczema. Because of this, hairdressers and beauticians often discover they have rashes and inflamed skin.

When the body has a reaction to a skin contact with a substance that the immune system cannot bare, there appears the allergic contact eczema. The reaction can appear immediately, or, it may pass some time till it develops. Some typical substances that can lead to the apparition of this allergic contact eczema are perfumes, cloth, rubber, tin and nickel.

The infantile seborrhoeic eczema can appear in children younger than 1 year, and although the reason for this condition is not fully understood, this eczema is not a very serious condition, it can be treated with herbal products and lasts a few months.

A more serious condition is the adult seborrhoeic eczema. This can appear in the scalp and can spread to the face, ears, neck, and chest. Using some creams will hydrate the skin, protect against infections and offer quick relief for this type of eczema.

We can also mention discoid eczema, which usually develops in adults, appears as a small, coin shaped redness of the skin, and is treated with emollients, and the varicose eczema, a condition found in the lower leg. Seems that the varicose eczema is related to poor circulation and if the skin is left untreated, ulcers can develop. As a treatment, emollients are recommended in this case as well.

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For more resources about eczema treatment or even about eczema skin symptoms please review