Some important things about chicken pox

By:groshan fabiola

Chicken pox is a disease that is caused by a virus called varicella zoster. This conditions appears mostly when you are a child and it leaves no marks if treated. An adult can develop chicken pox as well, but only if he/ she did not have this disease in childhood. Chicken pox is very contagious.

The number of children that suffer from chicken pox is high than ninety percent of all children. Furthermore, all of these chicken pox cases happen before these children reach the age of twelve. Sometimes it is actually better to develop chicken pox because the risk of serious complications increases together with age. If you have had chicken pox as a child, you will never develop it again.

When your child suffers from chicken pox, he/ she will have symptoms very likely to those of the flu, but will also have symptoms that can only be found in chicken pox cases. Headache, fever, but a mild one, chills and muscle aches are the first symptoms that you will feel when suffering from chicken pox. This will happen about three or four days before the trade mark symptoms of chicken pox will appear. Rash is the next chicken pox symptom. This is very itchy and it can appear all over your child' s body. This rash consists at first of red, tiny dots on his/ her body. They then turn into blisters filled with fluid, that will eventually turn into crusts and then fall off. The rash may be different from a chicken pox patent to another. Some may only have a few blisters on their body, wheres other will have their bodies practically covered by them. The period that your child will be most contagious when suffering from chicken pox is about two to three day before the appearance of the rash. Chicken pox in children will cure in about one week.

Chicken pox can lead to some serious complications, but less than ten percent of all chicken pox patients will suffer from them. Skin infections, pneumonia, infections of your child' s blood or even brain may be the result of an untreated chicken pox case. This is the main reason why a doctor should be seen right away. There is also indicated that you get your child vaccinated against chicken pox. This vaccine is very safe and it gives good results.

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For more information about adult chicken pox or even about chicken pox vaccine please review this page