Some necessary things in order to know more about eczema

By:groshan fabiola

A group of conditions that affect the skin, making it inflamed, red, dry, and itchy is known under the generally name of eczema. There were cases when a rash developed in one area or over the entire body.
One of the most usual forms of eczema is the atopic eczema, known under the name of atopic dermatitis too.

It is known that eczema looks different from person to person. In children, it appears usually on the elbows, knees, face, neck, and scalp, and in adults on the hands and elbows, and also inside of the elbows and back of the knees.
There are some symptoms that eczema can show. Some of them are skin redness, itchiness, infection of the areas where the skin has been broken, and we can also mention formation of small, fluid-filled blisters that might ooze when scratched and dry, scaly, or crusted skin that might become thick and leathery from long-term scratching.
There is not known for sure why eczema occurs, but it was seen that it seems to run in families, and a genetic factor in the development of eczema is suggested. Those who have a family history of asthma, hay fever, and other allergies are more predisposed to develop eczema.

When the disease gets worse, we say it is the period of flares, and when remissions come, skin improves or clears up entirely. There are some factors that can make eczema symptoms to flare. Skin irritants cause burning, itching, or redness and produce irritation to the skin. This category includes chemicals, perfumes, harsh soaps, and even wool or a tight clothing.
Allergens like pollens, pet hair, dander and some foods can worsen eczema symptoms.
We can also mention low humidity, heat and high humidity as environmental factors, and another factor that is known to trigger flare-ups in some people with eczema is stress.

Eczema is a common disease, it affects many people, it is known it can occur at any age, but usually if affects young children. It is known to affect both men and women equally, and those who have a family history of asthma and allergies are more predisposed into developing it.

In order to find out if a patient has eczema, the doctor will check on the symptoms, and will analyze an area of scaly or crusted skin, to be sure the patient hasn’t other skin diseases or infections. The treatment varies depending on the symptoms, but the main purpose is to reduce itching and discomfort, and also to prevent infection and further flare-ups.

Prevention is very important, that’s why we should avoid the so-called symptom triggers, skin care products with alcohol, and we should use a moisturizing cream or lotion several times a day in order to keep our skin moist.

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For more resources about nummular eczema or even about cause of eczema please review