Some things about treatment and prognosis of diabetes

By:groshan fabiola

It is known that diabetes can be a life- threatening condition, so it is important for patients to treat it under medical supervision. There exist a lot of alternative therapies that can help manage the symptoms of diabetes. For example, by stimulating some points, acupuncture can help relieve the pain associated with diabetic neuropathy. Of course, for this, it is needed the help of a qualified practitioner.
Helpful in managing diabetes are also the herbal remedies. They can adjust blood sugar levels or manage other diabetic symptoms. We can mention some of these options. For example, some studies showed that fenugreek reduces blood insulin and glucose levels while also lowering cholesterol; garlic may lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and bilberry helps to maintain healthy blood vessels and also may lower blood glucose levels.
Gingko biloba is known to have a role in maintaining blood flow to the retina, and in this way preventing diabetic retinopathy, cayenne pepper relieve pain in the peripheral nerves, and onions may lower blood glucose levels by freeing insulin to metabolize them.
Therapies that lower stress levels are important in treating diabetes, because this will reduce insulin requirements. We can mention here hypnotherapy, biofeedback, and meditation.

It is known that uncontrolled diabetes can lead to blindness, end-stage renal disease, and limb amputations. Also, there can occur eye problems like cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy.
When nerve endings, particularly in the legs and feet, become less sensitive, we can say there appeared the condition called diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
The inability to sense pain, and also the complications of delayed wound healing that appear cause minor injuries, blisters, or callouses becoming infected and difficult to treat. There are cases of severe infection, when the infected tissue begins to break down and rot away. Unfortunately, sometimes due to the severe infection, there may be needed the amputation of toes, feet, or legs.
Common complications of diabetes are also heart disease and kidney disease. The need for kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant due to kidney failure can appear because of the long- term complications.
We must also mention that babies born to diabetic mothers have an increased risk of birth defects and distress at birth.

It is known that the onset of Type I diabetes is unpredictable, but in what concerns the risk of developing Type II diabetes this can be reduced by maintaining ideal weight and exercising.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important in order to prevent the onset of Type II diabetes and further complications of the disease.

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So, if you want to find out more about symptoms of diabetes or even about type 2 diabetes please follow this link