Something you should to know about peptic ulcer

By:groshan fabiola

Many people are suffering from peptic ulcer.It is generally known that ulcer appears to men,but nowadays women also suffer from peptic ulcer.The peptic ulcer deals with the digestive process.For example the ulcer in the lining of the stomach is calling the gastric ulcer and the ulcer in the upper part of small intestine, or duodenum, is called a duodenal ulcer.

The lining of the stomach contains special cells, chemicals and mucous that prevent the stomach from being damaged by its own acids and digestive enzymes.The ulcer can be small or deep.The major cause of the ulcer is the bacterium H. pylori.This infection can harm only 20% of people infected.In some people, H. pylori infection somehow upsets the delicate balance between the damaging effects of gastric acids and the body's natural protection.A second common cause of ulcers can be the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin and others) and naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn).Several factors can increase the risk of developing a peptic ulcer.These damaging factors are:cigarettes, alcohol, stress and spicy food.

The effect produced by the ulcer is the burning or gnawing pain in the upper abdomen. This typically occurs when the stomach is empty, and may be worse at night or upon waking.Other symptoms are: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, bloating, burping and weight loss.In more severe cases, ulcer may bleed or extend deep into the wall of the stomach or intestine.

For diagnosis are recommended the following tests:
1) a blood antibody test for evidence of H. pylori infection.If the test is positive a treatmentmay be given without more invasive tests.In some cases the test may remain positive even aftera given treatment. Unfortunately this test cannot tell if the ulcer is produced by the H. pylori.
2) an esophagogastroduodenoscopy is made with the lighted tube with a tiny camera on the end, which is passed through the stomach and intestines.Other way of examining ulcer is the biopsy(a small piece of the lining of the stomach), which is a close examination of the tissue in a laboratory.
3) an upper-gastrointestinal(GI)series is a test which involves X-ray taken after the person drinks a chalky liquid. With this method the existence of an ulcer can be observed.

Ulcers caused by medication should stop after the person stop taking drugs and the ulcer caused by H. pylori may heal or may not.Gastric ulcer heals more slowly than duodenal ulcer. But the worse is the fact that H. pylori can return and cause another ulcer,if the first infection is not eliminated completely.

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For more resources about Ulcer or especially about Duodenal Ulcer please click this link