Symptoms, problems that can appear and treatment for strep throat

By:groshan fabiola

Strep throat is a bacterial throat infection caused by Group A streptococcus bacteria. This infection can show several symptoms. There can appear decreased appetite, swollen lymph glands in the neck, fever, chills, and sometimes symptoms of stomach distress like nausea and vomiting. However, an important sign that might show there is a strep throat is swelling and extreme soreness of the back of the throat.
It is good to know that viruses cause most sore throats, and in what concerns bacteria, only 10% of sore throats are strep infections.

When a child comes to the doctor, the symptoms are very important clues. But, in order to be sure is dealing with a strep infection, the doctor will collect a sample of cells from the back by using a cotton swab. The result can be given quickly with the help of a rapid antigen detection test. If the test proves to be negative, the doctor may want to send for a culture. With a culture, there are needed 24 hours, time in which the bacteria will multiply enough to be seen.

The streptococcal infection can develop in rare cases serious complications if it is not treated. There can appear an abscess, which is a pocket of pus, and usually it requires surgery. There can also appear rheumatic fever, which affects the heart and joints, causing permanent damage to the heart valves. Another complication that may occur is the situation in which, the immune system, being sensitized by the streptococcal bacteria will start to attack its own organs.

If it proves the child has strep, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. These will help the immune system get rid of the bacteria faster and more efficient, and in the same time, complications will be avoided. Usually, the antibiotics must be taken for a 10-days period. It is very important not to interrupt the treatment, because the remaining bacteria can develop resistance and a worse infection may appear.
In order to ease the symptoms, there can also be taken vitamin C, throat lozenges, Echinacea and acetaminophen.

The first choice for strep is penicillin, and this can be taken orally or as an injection. There can be taken also a form of penicillin, which is called amoxicillin, and an important notice here is that amoxicillin is also available as a chewable, which is an advantage because children will accept it easier.
Depending on the situation, if it is necessary, the doctor can prescribe erythromycin or another antibiotic.

It is important to know that strep throat is very contagious, and after starting antibiotic treatment, the child should stay at home for 24 hours.
Scientists say that we mustn’t overuse antibiotics, because there appears the risk that bacteria will develop resistance.

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For more resources on different strep throat subjects check out this link You can find great content regarding strep throat in adults, strep throat symptoms, home remedy for strep throat and many more strep throat related issues.