Symptoms and causes for hiatus hernia
- By:groshan fabiola
Hiatus hernia is a condition usually diagnosed in later stages due to the lack of symptoms and the initial symptoms very assembling to other digestive diseases. Hiatal hernia is most common in persons of 55 years and more but can theoretically occur at any age. It is caused by a weakening of the diaphragm hiatus (esophageal opening) allowing the upper part of he stomach to turn up into the chest cavity. This condition is known as hiatus hernia and is responsible for the occurrence of gastric reflux.
The late diagnose is caused by the absence of symptoms in the early stages; when the patient begins to accuse pains in the esophageal part of the abdomen, the condition is usually in an advanced stage. There are more pathological forms of hiatus hernia according to the apparition cause. During sliding hiatus hernia, the esophageal lower sphincter gets weaker and allows the upper stomach part to slide upwards through the diaphragmatic opening. This form is the most easy to indulge and the body usually heals it by itself.
One more complex form of hiatus hernia is the rolling or fixed one that occurs when the part of the stomach connecting with the esophagus gets inflamed and causes the protrusion of the upper gastric segment through the diaphragmatic opening. Severe symptoms and complications are related to this hiatus hernia type.
Along the most commonly encountered causes of hiatus hernia is the age of the patient, knowing that an age of 55 and above can directly lead to the occurrence of the condition. Also an increased pressure while coughing or an abnormal sitting position can trigger hiatus hernia as well as a genetically inherited weakness of the diaphragm and esophagus. Obesity and heavy weight lifting will also cause the occurrence of a hiatus hernia. Some particular foods are held responsible for hiatus hernia; such products are chocolate, spearmint and cigarettes. Hiatus hernia has proven to have a hereditary component as well.
The most frequent symptoms of the hiatus hernia, when they occur, are heartburns, chest pains as well as pains in the esophageal area and frequent attacks. Some persons with this type of hernia also suffer from gastro esophageal reflux might experience sudden vomiting and nausea. A loss of consciousness may occur due to a decreased blood supply to the stomach or a high pressure exercised on the heart. A feeling of incapacity of swallowing food may be present in hiatus hernia.About the author:
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