Symptoms for multiple sclerosis
- By:groshan fabiola
As in other illnesses and diseases one can tell if someone has disorders by analyzing that person to see if certain symptoms are present. Finding and identifying the symptoms can be quite tricky sometimes. First of all not all the people come down with the same symptoms and on top of that is the fact that some of the symptoms that the patient may be experiencing are possible to be mimicking the symptoms from other diseases. If a person has one or a few symptoms related to the ones for multiple sclerosis it doesn’t necessarily mean that the individual has the disorder.
Disease may have a wide variety of symptoms but in the case of multiple sclerosis you might say there are quite many.
Some of the first and most apparent symptoms may be physical problems in the eyes. A person can experience blurred vision or even, as in some cases, dioplia ( double vision). Pain can also appear when moving an eye; some more acute symptoms will even involve the loss of vision in one eye. Other disorders in the field of vision may include moving or jumping of the image that the patient is currently viewing. One or more numerous floaters may also appear in one or both eyes of the person suspected to have multiple sclerosis.
The perception through touch, of the world around him, can also change. Different sensations of itching and burning may appear on different occasion and in different places on the person’s body. The feeling of pins or needles being poked in to the skin may also be felt. Electric shocks may be felt by the patient on the neck and upper back areas. A state of general fatigue may sometimes install in the patient with numbness or tingling in the arms or legs. It is not unlikely for the patient to feel heavy or have the sensation of weakness in one arm or a leg. Loss of strength and coordination may be present at some time during the diseases development in the patient. Dizziness and vertigo are again very common symptoms. A more severe sign would be the tightness in the chest that the patient could be feeling.
The actions that the disease has on the body are actually very serious sometimes leading to limping n the legs or even, as in some severe cases, paralysis.
Involuntary reactions may appear in the patient like seizures, tremors and even spasticity.
Headaches, changes in behavior, depression and sexual difficulties might also be signs of multiple sclerosis in the patient.About the author:
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