Symptoms found in chicken pox and shingles
- By:groshan fabiola
Symptoms of Chickenpox ( varicella ) may vary from pacient to pacient making us see people that have headaches, flue like symptoms or even fever, that in some cases can reach 105 F, and swollen glands are also included. The incubation period of the theChickenpox may also vary from 10 to 20 days, again depending on the pacient and its immune system.
This doesn’t last much. Shortly after the flue like symptoms have past the rash breaks out. By rash we understand the appearance of tiny red bumps, mostly on the face, chest or abdomen. Spreading relatively quickly, they start to get bigger in a mater of hours forming a blister on a red base. A funny comparison has been found for them: dewdrops on rose petals. At first the fluid in the blisters is clear only to become cloudy during the period of several days and eventually forming a scab and falling of after another four. The number of blister also varies; while some pacients of chickenpox have only a few ones, other can have hundreds, on top of that being the fact that they each like crazy. Lasting seven to ten days, the disease causes the pacient to have several crops of blisters.
Another type of skin disease would be the shingles (Herpes Zoster) attack. Occurring nearly always on adults, we see it developing on one side of the human body and having three identifiable symptoms.
->Prodrome: a cluster of warning symptoms appearing before the outbreak of the infection.
->The infection begins.
->Postherpetic neuralgi a develops.
Pain is a very common symptom in herpes zoster, often appearing well before the appearance of the rash.
Predrome (pain) – being the first symptom to appear in pacients, it appears to be located at the very site where the virus will be re-activating, making the pain be sharp, piercing, tearing or even similar to an electric shock. Besides pain, the pacient might feel that thatarea is itching or be unbearably sensitive to touch. Muscles aches and even fever are some of the extreme symptoms of the disease. Although usually lasting only a couple of days before the rash, cases have been known where the pain has lasted more … lot more for weeks or even month.
Active shingles – it marks the actual infection. 50% or 60% of cases occur on the trunk, the side of head being the next big area on witch it appears, making a very big risk the fact that the infection could spread to the mouth or eyes. First a rash appears only to become small fluid-filled blisters in about 12 hours witch eventually grow and become pus filled. The healing last as long as in chickenpox : up to 10 days.
Zoster Sine Herpete is the condition when the pain is not followed by the rash, this thing occurring more often in elder pacients, with symptoms very similar to the ones of chickenpox.About the author:
For more information about chicken pox virus or even about symptoms of chicken pox please review this page