Symptoms of colorectal cancer
- By:groshan fabiola
Doctors recommend going for check-ups from time to time after the age of 50, in order to detect early any possible presence of cancer. Colorectal presence gives symptoms after a few years since installation occurred, that is why screenings should be done regularly.
Sometimes patients suffering of colorectal cancer complain about being constipated. Constipation can occur due to the tumor which grows inside the colon and blocks partially or totally the flow of solid waste. So, defecating less often as before can be a sign that something is wrong inside the colon.
Sometimes people observe that their stool is much thinner than before. This can also be a sign that inside the colon or rectum is a tumor which began to grow. If the tumor grows it will partially obstruct the way the stool follows and so, the stool will have to remodelate in order to step over the tumor’s barrier. Also, abdominal cramping and bloating can occur.
If the tumor bleeds, in the stool will appear red marks, this if the tumor is situated in the rectum.
If the tumor is situated at the end of the colon or in the rectum it might give you the feeling that you still have to go to the bathroom even if you just went. This is due to the fact that the tumor is attached to the “exit zone” and the body thinks there is some poop left to come out.
Because the tumor blocks the way out and prevents air from elimination, patients can get gassy quite often.
Sometimes colon cancer patients have nausea and even vomit but and this is another condition the tumor gives. Also, tiredness is present no matter how much you get to sleep possible because of anemia (the red blood calls can not carry sufficient oxygen to the body’s cells). Anemia can be given by the tumors situated in the right side of the colon because they can bleed for a long period of time without being detected.
In most of the intestinal cancers, loosing weight is present. The loss of weight is made in a short period of time and even though for some people it might be considered a blessing, this is not a good thing, because it means that the tumor blocks the bowel somewhere inside the intestines.
These symptoms can be found in other diseases too but if you see them do contact a doctor for a check up especially if you are over 50 and your family history contains cases of colorectal cancer.About the author:
For greater resources on colon cancer or especially about colon cancer symptoms please visit this link