Symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome
- By:groshan fabiola
Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that affects the muscles and the attachments of muscles to bones. Its cause has not yet been discovered but treatment is available.
This disease gives symptoms which resemble to those in chronic fatigue syndrome, myofascial pain syndrome, and temporomandibular joint syndrome.
It seems that 6 to 8 million people in the United States are affected by this disease. Women are exposed to this disease 20 times more frequent than men and mostly the 20 to 40 aged women get affected by it.
Lately children complain of symptoms very much alike with those of fibromyalgia and if the child also complains about sleeping problems doctors can exclude the "growing pains" and diagnose them with fibromyalgia syndrome.
It seems that some people are more exposed than others to this affection. Those who are young, are female, have a family history of the disease and complain of having sleeping problems can develop this affection at any moment.
The causes of fibromyalgia have not been discovered yet but it is considered that a special event like the flu or a trauma could be the trigger of this disease. Also, a diminished blood flow to certain parts of the brain can lead to fibromyalgia too. Other affections like: Immune or endocrine system dysfunctions, Upper spinal cord injuries, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction are possible causes of the disease.
General symptoms of fibromyalgia are: muscle pain that lasts more than three months, tenderness in the 18 points, sleeping problems, fatigue, headaches, abdominal pain associated with diarrhea or constipation and bloating. Also, paresthesia or tingling in hands, arms, feet, legs or face can be present. People describe the muscle pain in different ways: some can feel burnings, radiating, others gnawing, sore, stiff, and aching. Patients say that the pain is always present but with different intensities depending on the activity they perform or on the weather, the stress level and the sleep patterns.
Some patients complain about the fact that they are tired even after sleeping for the whole night. Others say that they wake up during the night more frequent than they did before the disease had installed. Doctors say that an interruption during the deep sleep can cause the tiredness patients complain of.
Patients can feel depressed and develop mood changes, and some complain about anxiety and difficulty in concentration along with sensitivity to light and temperature. Frequent urinating, painful menstrual periods and painful sexual intercourse can also be encountered.About the author:
For more resources on fibromyalgia and espcially about fibromyalgia symptoms please visit this link