Tests to detect colon cancer

By:groshan fabiola

Colon cancer is thought to be the second most common type of cancer, after lung cancer. The presence of polyps in the colon lead to colon cancer. There are several ways to detect colon cancer, all tests done at your doctor' s office.

The presence of polyps in your colon should not be so frightening, because the majority are benign. However, in time, they can lead to colon cancer. Studies have shown that people that have their polyps removed lower the risk of developing colon cancer. To detect these polyps and even colon cancer can take as less as five minutes.

One of the tests that your doctor can do to detect if you have colon cancer is flexible sigmoidoscopy. This test is very useful because with it' s help doctors can detect colon cancer in the early stages, thus reducing the risk of death. Doctors can also tell if you are at risk of developing colon cancer with the help of this test, thus being able to prevent it. However, this test is not very suitable when it comes to hereditary cases of colon cancer. If you suffer from such a case, it is best that you use colonoscopy as a way of detecting colon cancer. Flexible sigmoidoscopy can be done without the help of sedation and this colon cancer test only takes about five minutes. This test can detect as much as seventy percent of all colon cancer cases and the number is even higher when it comes to detecting polyps. When having this test to detect colon cancer, you will fell no discomfort at all. The biggest advantage when using this test is that it can find colon cancer in its early stages and so your changes of
getting cured are very big.

The second procedure that one can have to detect colon cancer is colonoscopy. This is still the leading procedure when it comes to reducing the risk of colon cancer. More than ninety percent of all people that use this test reduce considerably their risks of developing colon cancer. This is also a very good procedure when it comes to biopsy or the removal of your polyps. Although the other test seems a little better when it comes to colon cancer, this is the most used and it also gives very good results.

In conclusion, a few minutes of your time can mean the difference in developing colon cancer or not.

About the author:
For more resource on different colon cancer subjects please click this link http://www.colon-cancer-center.com. You can also find valuable information about colon cancer treatment or even about metastatic colon cancer