The causes of diabetes and the risks this disease brings to a patient
- By:groshan fabiola
Diabetes is an affection which occurs is the body has a problem in making or using the insulin. The role of the insulin is to take the glucose from the blood and move it to cells which use it for producing energy. If the insulin is not enough or it can not be used by the body then the glucose will remain in the blood and the symptoms of diabetes will appear.
In some cases the body produces enough insulin but this can not enter the cells and help the process of producing energy. This way the glucose will remain in the blood, causing hyperglycemia and the level of the insulin will be high too as it is not used by the cells. Most of these patients which are known to have insulin resistance are also obese. The fat cells stop the insulin from being used by the other cells and this also counts in the malfunctioning of the energy process. This kind of diabetes is known as diabetes type 2.
There are cases when diabetes type2 occurs in slim parsons and this mostly happens in elder people. Genetics and family history also have an important role in determining whether diabetes type 2 will install or not. Also, having a sedentary lifestyle, eating junk food will only increase the risk of developing this affection.
Some other risk factors are: the age over 45, high blood pressure, HDL less than 35 mg/dl, triglycerides more than 250 mg/dl and a previous history of personal impaired glucose tolerance.
Most of the diabetes type 2 cases do not present any symptoms at all. In some cases increased thirst, appetite and urination might occur along with blurred vision, fatigue, infections, and erectile dysfunctions.
In order to diagnose diabetes type 2 the doctor will perform some tests: the level of fasting glucose in blood will be measured and if it is higher than 126 mg/dl on 2 occasions than diabetes might have installed. The random glucose blood level will also be measured and it should be less than 200 mg/dl in order for the doctor to be sure diabetes in not present. Also, the symptoms of increased thirst, urination and fatigue should not be present in order for the patient not to be suspected of having diabetes. At last, the oral glucose tolerance test will be performed and if the level of glucose is higher than 200 mg/dl after 2 hours diabetes is diagnosed.About the author:
So, if you want to find out more about what causes diabetes or even about diabetes mellitus please follow this link