The course of menopause

By:groshan fabiola

Thinking and being attentive to the actual word we realize that ‘menopause’ actually means the end of the menstruating period. All normal women with periods will at some point in their life encounter this phenomenon. It most often occurs between the ages of 42 and 58.

As in almost all diseases and illnesses, and most importantly because no human is alike another, tendencies are that each woman will have her own way of dealing with menopause. Still, two big majorities form: women who experience absolutely no problems and those who of course experience, ranging from emotional to physical. Some answered questions can seriously help women patients.

The symptoms of menopause appear when the production of the female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) stops. This is triggered by certain facts that make the ovaries unresponsive to the signals sent by the brain to produce eggs.

This whole process is usually very graduate. The usual way it happens in women is that the periods and the quantity of blood become somewhat irregular, sometimes even reappearing after several month of inactivity. It is considered to be passed of the menopause when an year has passed since the last menstruation.

Not all women benefit from a normal occurring menopause. Some of them actually start having symptoms earlier than others have, this is sometimes considered to be inherited. Factors that may determine the appearance of this symptoms earlier than they should may so often be: smocking , drinking or just an unhealthy way of life. In the case of surgery the menopause is immediate often leading to severe complications because of the drastic way of life change. Medical treatment is most oftenlly needed in the cases of premature menopause ( it starts in women before the age of 40 ).

Cases of women with no symptoms have also been encountered. For them the periods just stop coming. But usually there are symptoms that let the patient know what is coming. It usually starts with fatigue followed closely by hot flushes and night sweats. Mood swinging is also very common together with sleep disorders. More apparent symptoms may be the drying of the skin and hair and the unusual hair growth on the face and also on the body. Joints are also very likely to be giving the patient some head aches, along with the head aches its self as a symptom. On the long term, vaginal changes and urinary symptoms may seriously make life worse for the patients interfering with daily activities.

Having a normal social life and considering the coming of the menopause as an actual good thing seriously improves the chances of having fewer nasty symptoms.

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