The danger of drinking in diabetes
- By:groshan fabiola
Drinking is permitted for patients that have diabetes, although not in high quantities because serious health problems may appear.
Although alcohol has calories it doesn’t have the vitamins, minerals and all the other nutrients that usual foods have. The best thing to do would of course be to talk to the doctor. There are some facts that need to be remembered when having the illness and trying to lose weight or trying to keep the symptoms tot their minimum. Patients need to keep in mind that alcohol has after all sugars and calories, each one with its different dosages.
Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach is especially tricky because glucose levels can drop drastically and ultimately lead to hypoglycemia. This is a serious problem in the case of friends that don’t know the actual condition of the patient, because the risks exist that the shaking, dizziness and actually collapsing may be mistaken for drunkenness and not be treated accordingly. This is mostly the case of people who are using oral medication or insulin.
Some of the diabetes used medication have quite bad side effects if combined with alcohol. They often lid to dizziness, flushing, and nausea.
In the cases of heavy drinkers even more serious complications may appear. As we all know drinking much can cause damage to the liver and because of this fluctuations in the level of glucose may appear through out the body. If the person latterly develops diabetes treating the illness and controlling the glucose will be very difficult because of the damage already done.
Another risk that exist to heavy drinkers is possible heart problems and diseases because of the levels of fat that are also affected by the usage of big quantetis of alcohol.
Regular exercise and a balanced diet can mean a lot to a patient with diabetes. By exercising the patient actually burns the fat accumulated in the body, this way improving the way that the body responses to the administration of insulin either from outside sources or from its own pancreas. A diet rich in fibres also helps maintain a normal level of glucose in the body.
Doctors will always tell you about the three major advantages of exercising. The first would be the burning of the calories, this way lowering the level of fat; second would be the better response the body in the case of insulin; and last but nor list the improvement of chances not to develop a heart disease in the future.
As in the case of drinking and eating, exercises should be done regularly and mustn’t be to strenuous, the risk of straining muscles or the circulatory system being very high. If the level of physical exercise is to big a heat attack might actually occur putting the patient in serious danger.About the author:
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