The difficult life of fibromylagia patients
- By:groshan fabiola
Pain is a normal aspect of life that actually sometimes shows us how very much alive we are. Pain is all so present in the cases of chronic ill patients suffering from different syndromes. In their cases pain is almost definitely felt in grater quantities than in the rest of us. For persons suffering from fibromylagia pain is a very distressing fact of their lives and can cause a lot o f problems in the simple day to day life. In their case knowing and learning how to live with pain is a very normal aspect of life.
Living with pain for such long amount of times and experiencing different amounts of pain, people have actually come up with a chart of the levels of pain that one can reach. This way we can find that pain exits at a physical level, the emotional/psychological and the spiritual level.
Severe physical pain can most certainly cause a lot of problems in one’s life, interfering with the normal activities that a person can now do or not. Emotional problems can appear in people that are now fighting and struggling to cope with the sensation of loss, grief or anger that come with the onset of the illness. Patients are now forced to live a constant struggling life, sometimes alone, fact witch determines the spiritual pain to come. Questions appear in peoples mind that for them have no simple answer.
People suffering from fibromylagia are forced to deal with excruciating pressure, aching and pinching in the muscles, joints, bones, and head on a daily bases, fact witch most certainly will lead to fatigue and weakness. Chronic headaches most often turn in to migraines that can be very irritating for the patient. Because of the constant and agonizing pain people are restrained at some point to a number of things that they can do or do not, thus making them feel limited and dependent on others.
With all the chemicals and artificial air fresheners, pesticides, scented laundry products, and disinfectants, living a normal or pain free life is almost impossible in the cases of people with this illness. Simple facts like just tacking a walk have to be carefully monitored and planed ahead not to come across dangerous chemicals or pollutants that may aggravate the state of the person. A difficult and lonely life is the life of those that struggle with terrible disease. The simple fact is that patients with fibromylagia are prevented from living life at its fullest, the way it should be.About the author:
For more resources on fibromyalgia and espcially about fibromyalgia diet please visit this link