The fact of bleeding in pregnant women
- By:groshan fabiola
As well as felling joyfulness and happiness because the baby is coming , women can also feel troubled some times. Risks do exist and problems do occur. The most scary fact in pregnant women is the bleeding that some of them might experience at some point of the pregnancy. Normal thinking tells them that bleeding during pregnancy is not a normal or good sign.
It is quite natural that some women may experience some bleeding or spotting during the first trimester of their pregnancy. The phenomenon is actually not that rare in women, this way some 10 % of them will at some point develop them. Still the fact is that this bleeding is not at all like the periods they normally have when ovulating.
From the biological point of view menstruating during pregnancy is not possible because the brain is sending the uterus different instructions than in the time of periods. The uterus prepares now for the development of the baby so certain things change in the actions that it has. It is quite normal for women to experience little bleeding at the start of the pregnancy, but if bleeding still occurs later on in the pregnancy mostly in the last trimester doctors should be checked with right away.
The actual bleeding that happens to women in the early stages of pregnancy is not at all due to periods, but to whole other reasons. The first bleeding that may occur to women who become pregnant is the actual implantation bleeding, and this happens when the fertilized egg implants its self in the wall of the uterus and prepares its self to develop and grow into a child. The lining of the uterus may this way be harmed and this is the actual cause of bleeding. The duration of the bleeding is actually very brieff and so is the intensity. Still, if the bleeding continues for more than 5 days a doctor should be seen immediately.
In the case of late pregnancy bleeding causes may be very different as well, being not the case of period bleeding. Preterm labor is most often the cause of these late bleedings. The doctors should be immediately seen if the bleeding occurs along side contractions or cramps. How ever unlikely the fact would be it still possible to suffer from a miscarriage of the child to be born dead. Infection in the cervix is the most common factor that determines bleeding to appear in women who are pregnant in their last trimesters.About the author:
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