The impact of our environment on thyroid function

By:groshan fabiola

The last studies available show us a concerning aspect of the implications of the living environment on the health of our thyroid gland. Petrochemical and industrial toxins as well as pollutants like fluoride, chlorine or bromide are proven to reduce the activity of the thyroid gland leading to symptoms of hypothyroidism.

We shouldn’t be surprised of the increasing number of hypothyroid patients as we eat more and more toxic foods and are every day more exposed to pollution.

The thyroid gland is the primer controller of our energetic metabolism; toxins pump hormones out of the body and leave us unarmed against fats that we can no longer burn. The thyroid plays the most important role in keeping our weight and the rate of our metabolism in normal limits. Many today’s cases of obesity are due to the toxic effects of pollution on our metabolism and thyroid gland.

A doctor consulting an obese patient must always consider a possible implication of thyroid dysfunctions and ask about related factors like stress, allergies or toxins.

Food allergies and certain sensitivities upon different foods, deficiencies in selenium, zinc or fatty acids, iodine or tyrosine, might also trigger thyroid dysfunctions. Many physicians forget to investigate other possible causes of thyroid problems and try to treat all types of hypothyroidism with the standard drug Sinthroid. The curing doctor must play an active role in the treatment of the hypothyroid patient.

The basic symptoms of hypothyroidism are: depression, dry skin and hair, hair loss, constipation, fatigue, fluid retention, menstrual flow variations, weight gain, low sex appetite, muscle cramps, sluggishness, trouble getting out of bed in the morning, chipping or cracked fingernails.

The treatment in hypothyroidism must follow some basic steps for a quick recuperation; the cure with hormones will however last the whole life. The primer step is to eliminate toxins, allergens and nutritional deficiencies that cause the thyroid dysfunction. During the medication the patient must also exercise and take saunas and also eat foods containing substances that improve the thyroid function. The use of food supplements with selenium, zinc, vitamin A and D are very important for your recovery.

After a full examination, the endocrinologist must prescribe you the most adequate treatment for your personal needs; the combination of both thyroid hormones, T3 and T4 seems to be the most revolutionary technique for curing hypothyroidism.

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