The impact that fibromylagia has on people
- By:groshan fabiola
The most common and disturbing of symptoms of fibromylagia are by far the constant pain and ache felt by the patients. They have been said to be similar to the ones felt in a bad case of flue. Other times they have been said to be gnawing and actually burning in sensation. Because of this moving at eas after long periods of standing, especially after a night of sleep and rest, can prove quite a challenge for people. Levels and locations of the pain may vary from day to day, but patients suffering from this have said that a certain amount of pain is always present and felt by them. Some actions and activities like wrongly done physical exercises, poor sleep and rest, emotional stress or even the changing of weather can aggravate the level of pain felt by the person. Some symptoms will involve tingling, numbness and ( very rarely though) the swelling of hands. Fatigue is almost always present in people suffering from this because they are either not getting enough ore appropriate rest or their muscles are not
receiving enough oxygen reach blood.
Depressions have been also very present in the cases of patients and this is because of the life style they are forced to live and the fact that it changes once the disease has appeared. Studies have shown that a great number of patients are at any given time feeling bad and depressed as a result of suffering from this illness. Being a chronic illness the chances of patients becoming depressed increases even more, not to mention the fact of living in constant pain and having your life turned upside down because of this disability.
Symptoms can be much more variable than just pain, stiffness and depressions. Gastrointestinal disorders also appear in patients (some one third of them), causes being unknown. An even more stranger symptom than this would be the restless leg syndrome: this manifests its self by an irritating ache in the legs just before bed time followed by the strange urge of walking to relive the pain.
Diagnosing fibromylagia has proven more than a challenge for doctors and certain scientist. Physical changes are not visible in the cases of patients; till recently this strange factor led doctors to believe that there were psychological problems involved rather than physical ones. Despite all the symptoms being not visible the illness is considered of physical nature.
If any symptoms similar to the ones in fibromylagia appear in one person seeing a doctor with experience in this field is absolutely necessary. The best doctors to see would actually be rheumatologists.About the author:
For more resources on fibromyalgia and espcially about fibromyalgia alternative therapies please visit this link