The most common hepatitis symptoms

By:groshan fabiola

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver due to different causes. The symptoms of hepatitis are many and they are also different, depending on what type of hepatitis you have. However, there are many symptoms alike in all the hepatitis cases. These are the most common hepatitis symptoms.

This might sound a little bit funny, but the primary, the first hepatitis symptom is actually hepatitis. What is that, you might say. Well hepatitis means inflammation- itits of the liver- hepa. So the first sign of hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver. After this start in hepatitis, you will go through different hepatitis stages, each one of them having its particular symptoms. The next stage after hepatitis is the acute hepatitis phase. The symptoms of this hepatitis phase last about four weeks. When you find yourself in this hepatitis stage, you will experience symptoms similar to the flu, your skin and eyes will be yellowish and the urine will be dark. Nausea, fatigue and abdominal pain are also some of the hepatitis symptoms that you will have to deal with in this period. With proper hepatitis treatment, all the symptoms will go away. However, there are cases when patients go on to develop chronic hepatitis. They can realize that by the hepatitis symptoms that they have. If you find yourself in the chronic hepatitis stage, you will have to deal with weight loss, malaise and jaundice. These symptoms of hepatitis are only for those that have an active chronic hepatitis. If the hepatitis that you have is passive, you will probably have no hepatitis symptoms at all.

Hepatitis A is caused by poor conditions of living and sanitation. This type is cause of hepatitis is caused by a virus that sperads from the fecal material to water and food. The period of incubation in hepatitis A is from 15 to about 45 days. The onset of this type of hepatitis is abrupt and includes a fever. Hepatitis B is also caused by a virus, which appears in the blood, fecal mater, urine, saliva and even semen. The incubation period of hepatitis B is from 50 to 180 days. During this incubation period of hepatitis, the infection can spread, even if there are no hepatitis symptoms present. The virus that causes hepatitis C is transmitted by blood. This type of hepatitis is the worst hepatitis type and it is usually found in adults.

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