The most usual ways to treat anorexia

By:groshan fabiola

Treating anorexia is a complex problem, which involves especially regaining physical health. That is the first step of the treatment, and after that step is accomplished, other treatment follows.

The parts of the anorexia treatment are involving especially the eating habits. Anorexic persons must try to follow a healthy eating plan. Their main objective must be to gain weight. When the body is in healthy condition, it is important to create a mental state that will help the patient, he or she must believe that are looking just fine, and must try to raise the self-esteem.

Following psychotherapy is an important step in treating anorexia. Therapy is essential because it helps to find out a person’s fears, concerns, and inner thoughts. The therapist is talking with the patient about that problems, and is trying to solve them.

There are different types of therapy:
-A therapy can be based on working with the thoughts that comprise eating and food. One of the main purposes is to find out exactly which is your relationship to food, and the therapist will ask you to analyze carefully your thoughts about food, will even suggest keeping a diet journal.
-Another type of therapy is using rewards and penalties in order to change the habit of self-starvation. Following the doctor’s recommendations will be rewarded with a small prize.
-Other types of therapy are analyzing patient’s social life, his emotions, finding out which are the factors that might have lead to anorexia, because there surely is something that provokes low self –esteem, bringing then anorexia.
-Group therapy is another method, in which the patient is allowed to talk to a supervised group, composed by persons having the same problem. Sharing thoughts, opinions to each other, feeling the support of other people helps anorexic patients raise their self-esteem and be more confident.

During the physical treatment of anorexia, the presence of a medical doctor is important, because he is monitoring your vital signs, is taking care of the hydratation level, and he is also evaluating the effects that anorexia made to your body.

Of course, you must get help from a dietician also, because he will take care of creating special meal plans, will include the proper number of calories so that you can gain weight, and achieve a healthy state.

Another thing that must be taken in consideration is self-medication. Drugs must be taken only if the doctor prescribes them, and you must be aware of the potential risk they have.
The doctor will recommend you drugs that treat depression, and the unrest that can cause anorexia and other drugs that help you to stop the obsessive behaviors.

If the problems caused by anorexia are severe, and they seem to become dangerous for your life, the doctor may decide to start anorexia treatment in a hospital or in a treatment center.

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For more information about anorexia or even about pro anorexia please click this link