The risk that H pylori bacteria poses to people

By:groshan fabiola

Doctors will most certainly prescribe a wide variety of drugs in order to best fight the ulcers caused by H. pylori. It is very important for the patient to properly follow the treatment given by the doctor, if chances of curing are ever to exist. Smocking and heavy drinking are some of the many things that a person must quit doing in order for the drugs to make their proper effect.

The drugs are in a such a way designed to kill the H. pylori bacteria, to reduce the amount of gastric acid in ones stomach and duodenum and of course to later on protect the sensitive lining of the stomach and of the duodenum.

H. pylori bacteria can be killed in quite many ways using the available drugs that are on today’s market. The most common period to use the drugs is of about 2 weeks.

Stomach acids can be lowered in level by either using anti acids or Proton pump inhibitors. While the first type of drugs takes on the actual fight against the acid in the stomach, the second type actually closes down the pumps in the cells responsible for the fabrication of the avid.

The lining of the stomach and of the duodenum can also be protected using prescribed medications by the doctor. These drugs have an active role in properly shielding the lining from the harmful acids.

This methods are usually enough in fighting and curing the ulcer. But in more severe cases surgery is actually needed, if bleeding has started or has occurred.

It is very important for people with ulcer to properly treat the disease if they are to avoid severe complications in future times. Some of the more severe complications are anemia and perforation. Anemia most often happens because of the lack of nutrients that a person should normally get. Left untreated, the wound in the wall of the stomach can become very severe over time, most certainly leading to heavy bleeding, and of course perforation.

This rules must be followed very carefully by the patient suffering from peptic ulcers. Proper treatment, natural and balanced way of life will most certainly lead to the curing of the disease. Doctors should always be checked with.

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More information about Peptic ulcer or about Bleeding ulcer can be found on this website