The treatment for fibromyalgia- a combination of medication and self-care

By:groshan fabiola

Treating fibromyalgia includes medication and self-care, and the target that must be touched is improving general health and minimizing symptoms.

The doctor may prescribe analgesics, such as Acetaminophen and this can ease the pain and stiffness, but its effectiveness varies from case to case. With Acetaminophen can be also administrated Tramadol, another pain reliever, or it can be taken without the other drug. There can also be taken nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium, in association with other drugs.
Amitriptyline, doxepin, or nortriptyline are some antidepressant medications, that the doctor may prescribe if you have sleep problems. Also fluoxetine combined with amitriptyline can show results in this situation, and if you are having depression, sertraline and paroxetine are some medications that the doctor may prescribe.
In order to treat muscle pain and spasms, cyclobenzaprine may be taken at bed-time, but this medication should be used only for a short period of time.

Sleeping pills, like zolpidem can sometimes show benefits in some people with fibromyalgia, but the long-term using of these drugs is not advised by the doctor, because your body can become resistant to the drug’s effects, and as a last result there can appear even more sleeping problems .

Also, the doctors don’t recommend the benzodiazepines, and they even avoid prescribing these drugs, because even if they may help relax muscles and promote sleep, can become habit-forming and do not show long-term benefits.
Narcotics are “black-listed” too, because they can develop dependence and addiction potential.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy can be very useful, it helps the patient to increase the belief in his own potential, in his abilities, it teaches him how to deal with stressful situations and how to manage the fibromyalgia.

Interdisciplinary treatment programs can be very useful, these programs can have effect in improving the symptoms, they can even relieve the pain. They include a combination of a variety of treatments, like biofeedback, relaxation techniques, and receiving information about chronic pain. Of course, there isn’t a combination generally available, the doctor will create a program that suits best to each patient.

Self care is also very important. Getting enough sleep is essential, that’s why it is recommended that you go to bed and wake up at the same hour every day, and you should also limit daytime napping. Also try to reduce stress, allow yourself some time for relaxation, try stress management techniques, like deep-breathing exercises or meditation. Also it is important not to drop all your activity, because many times, it was shown that this situation can make even worse then if you continue working. You should continue your activities, but also you must learn to have a break and to say no if it is necessary.
You can do exercises, like swimming, biking, water aerobics or walking, and you should maintain a healthy life, by eating healthy foods and limit your caffeine intake.

By following all these advices, you may discover that you can find enjoyable every day.

About the author:
For more resources on fibromyalgia and espcially about fibromyalgia pain please visit this link